Sweet baby inc 100% garunteed
The lead writer follows them on x.com
Sweet baby inc 100% garunteed
Looking at the games they've been associated with, most notably God of War Ragnarok, Assassins Creed Valhalla , Shadow Gambit (brilliant game btw for anyone who hasnt tried it) and Alan Wake 2, I cant say that necessarily puts me off. All of those were good gamesSweet baby inc 100% garunteed
I enjoyed it and I'm far from alone in that, it did go on too long imo but I still enjoyed it , but I would also add that rather than selecting just one of the games I mentioned, God of War Ragnarok, Shadow Gambit and Alan Wake 2 are also all considered goodseriously? valhalla was a good game? I thought it was the most disliked one so far and terribly boring
seriously? valhalla was a good game? I thought it was the most disliked one so far and terribly boring
The story in AC has got all rather convoluted over the series and frankly all a bit silly lol, but the crux of it as far as I remember is something to do with a potentially alien race , present on Earth 100,000 years ago, hiding artifacts around the planet which can give humans who have them god like super powers, or something like that. Basically someone raided the mind of Stan LeeAs long as I have some nice buildings to scale and haystacks to jump into, I'll be happy.
Thoroughly enjoyed Odyssey and Valhalla so if this is more of the same I'll have it on Day1.
I spent 180 hours in Odyssey and 150 in Valhalla. Genuinely couldn't tell you the story of either
Dont know if you like tactical games but if you do, I highly recommend Shadow Gambit, its a real corker which rather went under the radar when it was released.Yea, I never tried or looked into those.
AC series seems pretty stale though, so probably doesn't matter if it's some weird alternate reality with crappy characters.
No doubt won't be on steam, if it is they will require a uplay account anyway.
I think the last o]ne I played was the greek odyssey one, so I'm not their target audience anyway
If it's a historical accurate representation of japan at the time, I could be tempted, if it's some made up rainbow fantasy land and culture then I'm out 100%
Story being a wike wokey I could probably ignore if the game was fun and interesting to explore.
The story in AC has got all rather convoluted over the series and frankly all a bit silly lol, but the crux of it as far as I remember is something to do with a potentially alien race , present on Earth 100,000 years ago, hiding artifacts around the planet which can give humans who have them god like super powers, or something like that. Basically someone raided the mind of Stan Lee
Who in turn raided the mind of Steve DitkoBasically someone raided the mind of Stan Lee
The story in AC has got all rather convoluted over the series and frankly all a bit silly lol, but the crux of it as far as I remember is something to do with a potentially alien race , present on Earth 100,000 years ago, hiding artifacts around the planet which can give humans who have them god like super powers, or something like that. Basically someone raided the mind of Stan Lee
Pretty much the same here for me, the story doesnt mean much to me in AC any more but they do make really good open worlds to run about in, so I run about and make my own storyPlease be good. I’d love another Origins or Odyssey.
I’ve completed every AC game and I’ve honestly lost track of what’s going on, not even bothered about the bigger picture anymore. Just love the open worlds.
No idea what is more bizarre, that people out there use wikipedia as a factual source for things or that people out there are so distraught by a computer games appearance (rather than its actual gameplay) that they are compelled to go and edit information on a website. Two sides of the same mental coinYasuke: Revision history - Wikipedia
some funny comments
just hope they get the movement and combat fluidity sorted out, some movement and animations in Valhalla where pretty stiff and this game is going up against a lot of action combat samurai games
He could be Timmy Mallett for all I care, as long as the game is good to playyeah he's already appeared in a few other games as a samurai, historically accurate or not