Assassin's Creed: Unity

III was like assassins creed with boring ship bits.
Black Flag was like a half decent pirate game with boring assassins creed bits.

Unity will probably be just boring. Locked at 30fps.

At 720p.
Actually, I have just read an article that has me much more excited. I have long thought that the problem with many games nowadays is that everyone jumps on the graphics/performance, and debates about 30fps, resolution and all that whilst taking their eye off of the gameplay, which has been getting worse in many games for ages now. Ubisfot are the worst for this by a mile.

So whilst everyone else is talking about resolution and forced 30fps and all that, they might have missed a far more important announcement:

Ubisoft Montreal is aiming to do away with forced fail states for Assassin's Creed: Unity, favouring a "360 approach" to mission design that will allow players to tackle mission objectives in multiple ways withour fear of being faced with a dreaded 'mission failed' screen.

I couldn't be happier with this. After 4 or 5 games ruined with these forced fail states(Watch Dogs, Black Flag, Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist), they are finally abandoning them. Maybe this plague in games will finally be over!...and Ubisoft might actually come up with some new ideas and decent gameplay.:)
Damned high specs for 900p! I guess that's price we pay for the cinematic 30fps experience... :D

Console trolling aside, the specs for Dragon Age Inquistion are also quite demanding and it doesn't look that amazing. :confused: Lazy programming and half assed porting? Or just devs finally waking up to the all that spare ram 64 bit O/S's offer(, which they can then fill with bloated code)?
Blimey, people really don't like Ubisoft. Has anyone from Ubisoft confirmed that the PC version will be locked the 30 fps? I've read plenty on the PS4 and XB1 versions but nothing on the PC version.

I'm currently playing through Black Flag and think it's excellent. The mission variety of the story is basically giving you ideas to go and explore the vast area and complete side quests. Graphically, it looks great.
My interest in the AC series certainly waned after the lacklustre outing of the characterless Connor. The only redeeming element of that game was the pirate stuff, then Black Flag came out and I loved it! So I'm all onboard for another AC game now, I just hope we get another anti-hero like Kenway.
Not played an AC game since Brotherhood, I loved AC 2 back when I played it.

Those required hardware requirements usually mean bugger all, remember back to BF4 and watchdogs.
It's just looking like Dead Rising 3 all over again. I raged when I saw the OTT specs and stated it would be a poor performing port, and I hope this doesn't go the same way.
Black Flag was great fun. Though I expect that was due to the novelty of being a pirate. Arrrr.

AC 1-3 just didn't grab me at all.
I will get it simply because I am obsessed with the French Revolution, and I have been calling for an AC game set there for ages!....however, I have no high hopes for it considering how bad Black Flag was.

I might get it just to see how they've recreated revolutionary Paris!
Didn't the same thing happen with AC4? I vaguely remember some bs over a similar incident prior to that being released and it ended up on Steam on launch day.
It happens with pretty much all of their games. Some BS contract with Game for some reason, when did they care about PC games? They pop up on Steam from anything from a few weeks to a few months.
Seem a bit steep those minimum specs.

Wonder if they are minimum specs for standard 1080 or for lower? I play at low res so am assuming my 7850 will cope. Maybe...
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