Assassin's Creed: Unity

Cant wait to see what UBI can bring to the table. Black flag was great if you love sea battles, which is something that many games do not offer.

I completed the Black Flag story the other night though in reality there still loads to do in the open world. Excellent game and I really enjoyed beefing up my ship as well.

I've just started on AC3 - I know people didn't like it quite as much but just starting the 3rd section and it's good so far.

No frame cap suggests this will be a cracking game to play on PC, if you have the right hardware of course.
Please tell me the game doesn't have the terminally boring Desmond interludes, why they feel the need to include the modern day animus crap I don't know because for me all it does is spoil the immersion in the games otherwise medieval themes
Please tell me the game doesn't have the terminally boring Desmond interludes, why they feel the need to include the modern day animus crap I don't know because for me all it does is spoil the immersion in the games otherwise medieval themes

Did you play III until the end? :p
probably, why what happened?
He's dead yo :p He was given a choice at the end of III - Well not much of a choice from what I recall because it ended up with him sacrificing himself if memory serves me right. I actually liked the guy too and yes it was just a pile of nonsense, and it mate me hate III as an AC game even moreso.

They always get the hardware req slightly wrong. I would expect lesser cards to play the game just fine. No doubt the game scales and you might have to turn down some of the settings.
The game has the high GPU requirements for a reason I'm guessing, Gimp the game on the PC so it requires a lot of VRAM to coincide with Nvidias release of the 8GB 980's, Makes sense really.

AND you have to remember, On the topic of "Resolution doesn't matter" according to the Ubi devs !

Graphics are so last century, Ubisofts next game will be an audio book with the volume muted and day 1 volume DLC !!!
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That trailer doesn't help in my decision to hold out for post release reviews at all.
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