Assassin's Creed Valhalla

oh wow.. ive slaughtered half the UKs population of deer for nothing?! :D
thanks for that, will have to head back into norway then
Sorry, but you just been unlucky.. :o .. I got antlers in England as well as in Norway. I'm still clearing out my first area, Ledecestrescire, then again I scout and highlight all the 'Leather' symbols that my bird is seeing, so had around 1,000 leather earlier, before doing a weapon upgrade earlier so a bit less now. :p
Sorry, but you just been unlucky.. :o .. I got antlers in England as well as in Norway. I'm still clearing out my first area, Ledecestrescire, then again I scout and highlight all the 'Leather' symbols that my bird is seeing, so had around 1,000 leather earlier, before doing a weapon upgrade earlier so a bit less now. :p

yeah ive had a google and seems people are saying the same.. what i didnt know is there is both regular deer and reindeer.. i just assumed they were the same thing so i must have just been hunting the regular deer
i read about a spot near Repton so ill have a look around there

edit : well that worked out, i only found the 1 reindeer near repton and no antlers but now i knew what they looked like so went back to norway and ive got a few antlers now so going to stick in norway until i have enough.. thanks for the help
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I've been thinking of ways to make raids more interesting. I think it would be good if there were a way Zealots could be called. There are two, ways to do it. Either 1 - a time limit, so if you aren't done in a certain amount of time they are called. Might add a little urgency. Or 2 - a certain npc in each monastery, maybe in a room that's is hard to get to will call a zealot if you don't kill them first. This would be better imo as it would mean more for stealthy players who could first sneak in and take them out.

I'm just trying to find a way to make them better as they are one of the central mechanics of the game and they are underwhelming!

BTW, the, voice actor for Ubber is one of the guards in Skyrim. Now I've recognised it all I can think of is an arrow to the knee every time he talks!... Actually it's more "heard about you and your honeyed words"
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Had fun with this today played quite a bit of it. Feels like it's gonna be a long one though but this game flows way better in terms of story, pace and linearity than Odyssey. I did eventually finish Odyssey but it was too easy to get bored. On this one I am hooked and invested in the story. Much less side quests and much more main missions, so far at least.
Just a small quality of life tip, once you get the fire/incendiary powder ability you can use it to blow up the rock walls that normally require tracking down one of the oil jars. The game doesn't make that clear as far as I could tell but it is a nice time saver in mid/late game.

Nearing the end I think, enjoyed it other than the modern day anomaly bits which just feel really jarring and add nothing. Anyone who hasn't played the previous games must wonder what on earth is going on in the modern bits as none of the back story is explained at all.
Just a small quality of life tip, once you get the fire/incendiary powder ability you can use it to blow up the rock walls that normally require tracking down one of the oil jars. The game doesn't make that clear as far as I could tell but it is a nice time saver in mid/late game.

Nearing the end I think, enjoyed it other than the modern day anomaly bits which just feel really jarring and add nothing. Anyone who hasn't played the previous games must wonder what on earth is going on in the modern bits as none of the back story is explained at all.

never knew that, thanks :D
This was the view out my hotel window at the weekend, a hat and a baloon to the poster that can make the connection. :)

I've stopped playing now until they resolve the issue with the game freezing but the game sound still running in the background. I had zero issues until the 1.4 patch. :(
Well, after playing for around 40h my enthusiasm for the game has waned quited a bit:p I still think it's a bit better than Odyssey. The setting is good, story structure is handled better, less level-gating, mysteries were a better choice for such a game than regular sidequests but... it's still too damn big and samey.
The combat has been consistently mediocre and it should've been superb in this sort of game (think God of War with less over-the-top runics). I can't find a satisfying weapon combo, everything gets old so fast and feels clunky. There are barely any attack combinations and it's so easy most of the time that I don't have to use abilities (which also mostly suck anyways). The fnishers are cool when they don't glitch out but I'm still tired of seeing them for the umpteenth time.

Not much incentive to explore as well except ingots and very few pieces of gear. The worst thing is that at 40h in I barely uncovered half of the map and the perspective of going at it for another 40 to get through this sort of repetitive content doesn't fill me with joy. It doesn't quite reach Odyssey level of pointless identical places but it's still a slog now.

I don't get why they can't seem to focus on only a few places of interest in each region and make them truly unique and robust, with different kinds of rewards, special bosses and their own stories and perhaps decisions that could influence the main storyline in various ways, bigger or smaller. Add to that just a few things like the Drengr and some mysteries to break up the pace and it would've been perfectly manageable.

This formula was great in Origins because it was the first and most balanced in terms of busywork and had the best setting. It even had combat that, while not amazing, felt better and more satisfying that its sequels. Neither Odyssey nor Valhalla have the gameplay to sustain this sort of length and samey content Ubisoft insists on.

Oh well, rant over, I'll go back to it in the evening and see if I can force myself to at least finish the story:p
Finished it last night, the endings (there are several) all fell a bit flat for me. Eivor's story goes into typical AC nonsense whilst the Order story ends with on a semi-interesting but rather dull note, it's a real anticlimax after taking down the entire Order.

As for the modern day part (which crosses over with Eivor), the writing was so bad I almost thought it was some kind of intentional parody but sadly not.

For all that, I've put in 50+ hours and it's been mostly pleasant, some of the side quests were pretty funny, Eivor was quite a good character and well acted (I went with the male one after playing Odyssey as Kassandra). The settlement stuff seemed largely tacked on and I really preferred just picking abilities rather than a huge web of stat upgrades. Combat was the usual somewhat janky affair, axes and daggers were the most reliable for me as the heavier weapons were just too slow to be viable or fun.

I suppose the biggest disappointment for me was that stealth is now almost entirely an afterthought, I get that the Viking setting reduces the opportunities for it but it really didn't feel like I was an assassin at any point and Eivor even says at much at the end of the game.

Going to have a break from open world games for a bit before I dive into CP2077 after a few more patches :D
I suppose the biggest disappointment for me was that stealth is now almost entirely an afterthought, I get that the Viking setting reduces the opportunities for it but it really didn't feel like I was an assassin at any point and Eivor even says at much at the end of the game.

To many of the current generation, the best known Assassin to them is going to be the assassin John Wick, who uses stealth for about 10 seconds and then blazes bullets and massacres huge groups of people with no subtlety at all /shrug

I'm torn on it, stealth in games is a good concept but hardly any game actually does stealth well, most have some form of stealth implemented that in reality wouldnt be stealthy in the slightest and anyone with an IQ over 20 would spot you and I'm not a big fan of games with too many 1 hit kills in them anyway because I find no challenge in it (not that there is much more of a challenge in bullet spongey enemies but at least I feel like I am doing something).

You're right though, they are only really AC games in name now in comparison to the mechanics of the earlier games and they could have easily made Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla be a new IP and they would still have been great games and as well received.
You're right though, they are only really AC games in name now in comparison to the mechanics of the earlier games and they could have easily made Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla be a new IP and they would still have been great games and as well received.

I kind of wish they had done that, we'd be free of the animus, Isu, Eden, etc that has become such pretentious nonsense by this point that it just breaks up the flow of the rest of the game. Anyone coming into Valhalla without playing the previous games must wonder what on earth the modern day stuff is about because there's no recap or background given at all.
I kind of wish they had done that, we'd be free of the animus, Isu, Eden, etc that has become such pretentious nonsense by this point that it just breaks up the flow of the rest of the game. Anyone coming into Valhalla without playing the previous games must wonder what on earth the modern day stuff is about because there's no recap or background given at all.

Well I am with you on that certainly, I hate the modern parts, although to be fair I always hated the modern parts, in every AC game
I quiet like the ISU element. But agree should allow people to skip those bits. To me only bit that means these games have any relation to other ones tbh. Otherwise entirely different.

On separate note, has anyone got or had quest to avenge 10 players?
Finished the mains story.

my thoughts are good overall but some areas are lacking.

I found the order sub menu made it too obvious who certain order members were and spoilt the main story.

The main story ending ends in a strange place with side quests required to finish what should be main story elements.

I used a trainer to allow teleportation, skipped or the boring bits and still took me 40 hours+
Not listened to one word from the story (never do in ac) story is always terribly dull and easy to predict.

Just play for the combat and challenging the "bosses" on very hard but zealots are just too dull compared to oydessy.

I enjoyed being hunted and hunting them with weaknesses and weird buffs zealots been to samey
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