@Uncle Petey for the new combo, I love me some GT cars to race.
It isn't the specific line of the trace that dictates your time, it's the area under the line that is impotant (or the area between the lines for the time difference).
Obviously the graph is a plot of your speed so can think of the peaks of the graph being your braking points and the troughs your apex speed.
There's 3 aspects where time is won or lost, in order from least to most important;
Braking point - relatively speaking, you spend very little time of a lap actually on the brakes. It is important for lap time just the least important.
Minimum apex speed - This is based on how much speed you have scrubbed off while braking and ties in to your acceleration point.
Acceleration point - Because this affects your speed all the way to the next braking point this is the most important part. As such corner exit on to straights should generally speaking be your primary focus for quicker lap times.
The graphs seem so get a bit off around the very start and end of a lap but looking at the start of the lap up until turn 5 (just past the 2000m track position). You brake quite a bit earlier in to T1 though you obviously lift off the brakes a little as by around 140 km/h we're doing the same speed. Though you stay on the brakes longer than I do meaning your apex speed (the bottom of the trough) is about 8-10km/h slower than me. Further to that, you can see my traces turn upwards as I get back on the throttle early while you're hitting your minimum apex speed and I carry that speed advantage all the way to turn 5. So while you lose a little time under braking in to T1 it isn't much but the ~5km/h extra speed I carry, while not much on it's own, add ups over the distance (probably talking close to, if not over, 1 second just between T1 and T5). This then applies over the rest of the lap too - T5, we braked about the same point as a deceleration line is the same but I don't scrub off quite as much speed and again get back on the throttle earlier. Though by T8 and T9, our lines match up pretty closely except for apex speeds - again I'm maintaning a few km/h extra at each apex.
So your trace does show that you're slow overall - in that there isn't one or 2 specific points of the track you're losing large amounts of time. It is just a small time loss but it adds up over a whole lap.
There are other factors too that you can't really work out from the trace - what lines are each of us taking as early or late apex will dictate when you can get back on the throttle. Set up also plays it part - from memory I was running 1 degree less rear wing and 1 click shorter on my final drive - both of which would mean I had better acceleratoin than the standard set up.
So overall I'd say just think about the track layout and focus on apex speed and corner exits then worry about your braking afterwards. Looking ahead to this weeks, obviously all corner exits are important but looking at a track map, the exit out of 14 on to your flying lap, the exit of turn 3 and exit of turn 10 or 11 (depending if the kink is flat) - they're the ones to focus on. Map of the track I was looking at: