Astral Chain discussion thread - Spoiler warning!

I can't believe the ending of chapter 6/the start of chapter 7 holy crap i wasn't expecting that at all!! glad i've finally finished for the day so i can get some time to play lol
Is that when Akira is stabbed? I get mixed up now.

If it is. Did you notice on the title screen she is not there anymore?

Very clever little detail :)
Damn double post.

Favourite boss fight so far?

Giant homonculus on top of the building is pretty damn incredible. It's as big as an apartment block :D
yea think that's my fave so far as well tbh and the bird woman was pretty awesome and i can't wait to get my axe legion i'm assuming i'm close to getting it as all the secret rooms require the axe legion to open them lol i've taken so many screen shots of the bosses because of how good they look
although he's not a boss kyle is the best looking character in the game so far for me he just looks bad ass and was such a fun fight
Boss Kyle was great. I loved the way they depicted him and his face.

Sounds like you're just behind me. So yeah you're close to the axe legion :) - the build up to it is impressive.

Speaking of impressiveness, how freakin amazing did it look when it was building up to the giant homonculus and it was raining with the astral plane tearing through into he real world?

I was genuinely blown away by that. :)
Boss Kyle was great. I loved the way they depicted him and his face.

Sounds like you're just behind me. So yeah you're close to the axe legion :) - the build up to it is impressive.

Speaking of impressiveness, how freakin amazing did it look when it was building up to the giant homonculus and it was raining with the astral plane tearing through into he real world?

I was genuinely blown away by that. :)
I had to pause the game at that moment because i just couldn't believe it i was genuinely blown away it was such a great feeling seeing it pop out of no where all of a sudden
Holy crap just finished File 10 :eek:

I did NOT expect that.

Really enjoying this suitably cheesy story :D
File 09/10 is hot damn good haha, I am on final chapter/file now...cleared the first batch of the side quest on Sunday and i'll probably jump on and try finish the story tonight.
My plan is to get this all finished off over the of tonight and tomorrow. Ready for Links Awakening on Friday!
That moment in chapter 08 or 09 I can't remember:
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