Not a lot! I was looking at this when overclocking on my p5q-dlx, since i had no idea what it was, and the thread starter on xtremesystems mentioned that around 1.5 is fine for day to day use, but much over 1.6 is likely to cause some damage in the long run. Its only really necessary to use it for really high fsb overclocks, and im sure that there are people around who run at high pll all the time, but i was under the impression that it is this and vtt/fsb termination voltages that kill chips pretty quickly, so i keep mine pretty low.
Not sure if you have read the whole thread, but its best not to leave it on auto, but go one or two steps higher in the bios than the minimum, since the auto settings can set pll etc very high, and i believe that when manually setting the minimum in the bios, it still behaves as if it were on auto.