Expensive motherboard is expensive. Shame, cos there's nothing else interesting on socket 1366 these days, would be good if more of the manufacturers hadn't ditched it for 1156.
How does pre ordering work? Do you take the money straight away or when you ship? Also if I order other parts for a build do you send them all together or send what's in stock first and then other bits as they come into stock?
Will there be an OC bundle with this board? I'm holding off on buying a R2E bundle :)

there will indeed, as soon as i get hold of a board development of a bundle will start. i intend to work closely with asus on this one to get the most we can out of these boards

I am anticipating a 930 and a 980x bundle
there will indeed, as soon as i get hold of a board development of a bundle will start. i intend to work closely with asus on this one to get the most we can out of these boards

I am anticipating a 930 and a 980x bundle

When in development don't push things to far :D
Probably going to use one of these when I do my bi-annually rebuild every other september :)

Hopefully by then the price of the 980x will be much less than it is now.

I kind of digg the red/black color combination, would be relativly easy to build a rig with ati gfx, lian li PC70R, corsair dominator ram sticks etc :D
I think Intel 6core cpu's should hit the mainstream by then :cool:

Awesome :)

Will have to make do with my Q9450 till then.

Oh yeah have you had any personal luck with the Q9450 when you played with it when released. I cant seem to get it over 3.2ghz, on a P45 DS3 board.

Bought all of my kit from ocuk for the last 7 years if thats of any help ;)
As we still have no definate answer on when these will be in stock, could you please let me know as i am waiting for a definate date as to get rid of my board before i get this...


We do not have any dates ourselves. Just keep looking at the news page, forums and tech sites around the web.:)
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