Asus ROG Crosshair X870E Hero - is it possible to have 2 x PCie5.0 SSD's?

@Tetras so I've done some testing last night and running the PCIE M.2 SSD in the gen 5 slot 100% makes the 5080 run at 8x however strangely since doing a full windows reinstall and putting this drive in I'm getting higher 3D Mark scores even on the PCI 3D Mark test. Very strange! So I would agree with what's been said the difference isn't worth worrying about. At least now I'm getting the best out of my Gen 5 SSD and no noticeable hit to performance on the 5080 at all!
Watch the yt videos about pci speeds. Pci gen 5 and pci gen 3 have more or less the same performance in a 5080 and 5090!
The strix and hero can run 3 if you use the 2 gen 4 slots at bottom that's my understanding of it but it's a minefield out there to be honest
The understanding I’ve reached is that the Hero can run 1x Gen 5 and you must avoid using anymore gen 5 slots due to them being hard wired. So if you have 1x gen 5 and 1x gen 4 you will be ok as long as you don’t put the gen 4 in any other gen 5 slot :D

The gen 5 are actually cheaper than the gen 4 at the minute at the retailer I use, which is why I was hoping to use 2x but….
Yeh that's what I was thinking there's 2 gen 4 slots so can use 3 nvme as long as you only use 1 gen 5 slot
The gen 5 are actually cheaper than the gen 4 at the minute at the retailer I use, which is why I was hoping to use 2x but….
That's not an issue, you can just buy them and stick them in the gen 4 slot and maybe when you next upgrade you'll take them with you.

Double check in the datasheet if you want, but I'd be shocked if any weren't backwards compatible.
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