Ok, have got the thing to boot up to bios, as it’s a fresh install i haven’t got windows as yet, so will get that installed soon
So having tried what i thought was all the memory combinations i had another go at removing all memory and putting it back in.
If i put memory in slot 1 (furthest away from cpu) PC boots, 16gb
If i add memory in slot 2 (next closest) PC boots. So up to 32gb
If I add memory into slots 3 and 4 closest to the cpu, then it goes back to not starting.
So, is this user error and something specific that needs to be configured in BIOS to allow all four slots to work? Or is this a possible Dark Hero board problem?
First time using AMD and presumed all 4 slots would work straight away with memory. In bios. Memory seems to be set at auto and then is set at 2800
Any further pointers appreciated.
I had the same issue with my Dark Hero. 4 Sticks refused to work well with BIOS 2601. Bios 3003 made things more stable, and even made FCLK 2000 bootable, however I changed to 2x16GB sticks instead of 4x8gb due to the stability issues this motherboard was having.