Asus ROG X570 Crosshair Dark Hero Release? *** NO Competitor Talk ***

I currently have two 970 Evo Plus's which will soon be replaced with 980 Pros.

970 1TB; Read, 3575. Write, 3101. IOPS R; 358154. IOPS W; 288818.
970 2TB; Read, 3291. Write, 2682. IOPS R; 381103. IOPS W; 320800.

Previously I had the standard Hero board, the speeds are within a margin of error with each other. I tried with and without the NVMe drivers installed and scores remind pretty much the same.
I'm running 2xSabrent Rocket 4 Plus 2TB drives. Their scores are pretty close, so I'll just post C drive:

Read, 6959. Write, 6208.06. IOPS R: 301628. IOPS W: 391615

edit: transposed 2 numbers by mistake
I'm running 2xSabrent Rocket 4 Plus 2TB drives. Their scores are pretty close, so I'll just post C drive:

Read, 6959. Write, 6208.06. IOPS R: 301628. IOPS W: 39161

edit: transposed 2 numbers by mistake

Nice jump in figures there for the Plus version of the rocket over my standard rocket. shows the new controller chips they've installed are making a difference. though random reads seem to be lower which is strange

Rocket - Sequential Read 5634, Sequential write 4248 (in MB/s) Random Read 426757 Write 354980(IOPS)
Nice jump in figures there for the Plus version of the rocket over my standard rocket. shows the new controller chips they've installed are making a difference. though random reads seem to be lower which is strange

Rocket - Sequential Read 5634, Sequential write 4248 (in MB/s) Random Read 426757 Write 354980(IOPS)

Yeah, apparently there's a new version of firmware coming out to address some "performance edge cases". But no sign of it yet.
I'm running 2xSabrent Rocket 4 Plus 2TB drives. Their scores are pretty close, so I'll just post C drive:

Read, 6959. Write, 6208.06. IOPS R: 301628. IOPS W: 391615

edit: transposed 2 numbers by mistake

I am getting 4x2 borderline Gen 3 speeds on the 2nd slot for the similar drive (non-plus version) and I can't seem to find an explanation. Back and forth with Asus and they don't seem to know why.

Installed my additional NVME tonight and speeds appear to be just fine.
So I have a Samsung 980 500GB in slot 1 and an SN850 2TB in slot 2.

Tested the Samsung in a single disk configuration in slot 1 before adding the WD SN850


Installed the WD SN850 and retested the Samsung in slot 1


Then tested the WD SN850 in slot 2

Thanks @Mike1983 for the benchmark results,
one question aren't the Seq reads a little low, shouldn't they be around 7000MB/s?

I’ve not checked against anyone else’s results so don’t really know. I know 7000 is the advertised figure but assumed this was close enough? Like max advertised bandwidth from your ISP? Do they look a little low compared to others?
I’ve not checked against anyone else’s results so don’t really know. I know 7000 is the advertised figure but assumed this was close enough? Like max advertised bandwidth from your ISP? Do they look a little low compared to others?
Like you said the advertised read speed is 7000 and this is what it gets when reading reviews online, I suppose 6500 isn't too bad, but could be better.

It's one of the gen 4 drives that I will be using so thanks again for the benchmarks.
I’ll run it again in a few days after loading some games on etc for you, see if anything changes.

P.S, I saw the software had loads of various settings to configure the test. Shout up if I should have selected something specific configuring. All I did was check the NVME option from memory.

edit - Also I’m on complete stock system settings inc RAM if that makes any difference. Overclocking is probably going to be a next weekend job.
Thanks, I'm not really sure about what options to check.
Might be worth doing a benchmark with 5 passes which I think is normally the default, you have it set on 2 passes in you pictures, might make a differnce

Do you have the latest AMD chipset drivers installed, and the latest bios, maybe these things will help.
Here are some SSD readings from my Rig:

Seagate 2TB Firecuda 520 in M.2 Slot 1

Another Seagate 2TB Firecuda in M.2 Slot 2

I also have a 1TB Sabrent Rocket 4 in an M.2 to PCIe converter.

Samsung Magician Benchmarks I ran over a month ago after I put the system together:

Seagate Firecuda 520 (Slot 1):
5640 Read
4449 Write

Seagate Firecuda 520 (Slot 2):
5641 Read
4263 Write

Sabrent Rocket 4 (M.2 to PCIe Converter):
5641 Read
4264 Write

New Benchmarks I ran today after more than 1 month of use:

Seagate Firecuda 520 (Slot 1) (About 40% full)
5632 Read
4272 Write

Seagate Firecuda 520 (Slot 2) (Also about 40% full)
5640 Read
4266 Write

Sabrent Rocket 4 (M.2 to PCIe Converter) (About 10% full)
5640 Read
4274 Write
I’ve not checked against anyone else’s results so don’t really know. I know 7000 is the advertised figure but assumed this was close enough? Like max advertised bandwidth from your ISP? Do they look a little low compared to others?
I have 2 WD SN850 1TB. I can run the benchmarks and let u know sometime today or tomorrow.
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