31 May 2005

EAX 5.0 through a driver update.

Was just about to order the prelude and this hits the fan. TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. Oh my.

Asus' driver page confuses me. I'm running version on my Xonar dated 2008/02/20, but the "Latest" one, 8.17.25-RC01, is dated 2007/11/12?

Argh man, im cheesed off now:mad:. I didnt buy the xonar because it had no EAX, now it has. I just got my x-fi fatality 2 days ago :(
Asus' driver page confuses me. I'm running version on my Xonar dated 2008/02/20, but the "Latest" one, 8.17.25-RC01, is dated 2007/11/12?


you have the latest drivers:) - latest
8.17.25-rc01 - old beta.

it seems they've change the numbering scheme, or at the least added an extra number at the front. i dunno lol.

and for the record, asus has always been a confusing mess lol
Suddenly the Xonar seems to have everything going for it - might be the first non-creative card I've ever considered buying....:eek:
i need somebody with a d2x to confirm something for me.

with the latest drivers (, open up the xonar control panel and click on the 'i' above the volume control. what does it say next to 3d audio engine? cheers:)
i need somebody with a d2x to confirm something for me.

with the latest drivers (, open up the xonar control panel and click on the 'i' above the volume control. what does it say next to 3d audio engine? cheers:)


I guess that means EAX5 isn't actually working. I wondered why the option didn't show up in NWN2.
im pretty sure i had ds3d gx show up in the older drivers, but with these new ones i am seeing the same as you with my pci xonar d2.

ive not found a game yet that works with anything past eax2.0. doom 3 doesnt even detect surround speakers:p

but hey, at least asio works now. and its good that they are addresssing the audio issues with games, because im getting quite a few than nothing short of a reboot will solve.
I've not had any major problems with the card so far. No crashes or anything I've had to reboot to fix, anyway. I did notice that all Source-based games just flat out do not detect that I have a surround set up, which is weird since I thought it detected that from what Windows sound panel thingy has your speakers set to. (As with Doom 3, too)

It's good they are actively working to improve the card, unlike Creative with their products.
ive not tried any source games in surround - ive not set my onkyo back up after moving - but i know they were fine before i upgraded the drives. ill take a look soon and see if i can still get surround sound.

one of the worst games for it was actually audiosurf on steam. you'd just get a looping sound that kept looping and looping untill you rebooted. most annoying lol as far as the drivers go, well. there's about 4 months between these latest ones and the last beta set, so its better...but not much:p
I'm keen hear confirmation that EAX5 is working, as I'm considering a migration to the Xonar DX when it appears.

Ideally listening tests in games vs an X-Fi would be nice.
I thought Creative put an official statement out saying that the xonar does not actually do eax5, it just tricks the applications (games) into thinking it can, but still outputs in a quasi- eax5 or actually eax 2.0 ?

i have not been able to find anything that is able to use eax5.0 on the xonar. even rightmark 3dsound says the card is reporting eax5.0 compat., but is not able to use it. im stuck with eax2.0.

p4radox its just an EM sheild with a few orange leds under a plastic bit. theres no fan on the card.

Device: Speakers (ASUS Xonar D2 Audio Device) ({}.{bdbaf2be-27e2-41ec-bcbe-2cc949b3140e})

DirectSound 2D Hardware: Yes
DirectSound 3D Hardware: Yes
EAX 1.0: Available
EAX 2.0: Available
EAX 3.0: Available
EAX 4.0: Available
EAX 5.0: Available

dwMinSecondarySampleRate 100
dwMaxSecondarySampleRate 192000

Free buffers stats:
dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers 128
dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers 128
dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers 128
dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers 128
dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers 128
dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers 128

Max buffers stats:
dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers 129
dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers 129
dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers 129
dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers 129
dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers 129
dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers 129

Misc stats:
dwFreeHwMemBytes 0
dwTotalHwMemBytes 0
dwMaxContigFreeHwMemBytes 0
dwUnlockTransferRateHwBuffers 0
dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers 0

thats what rightmark says about the xonar d2
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I thought Creative put an official statement out saying that the xonar does not actually do eax5, it just tricks the applications (games) into thinking it can, but still outputs in a quasi- eax5 or actually eax 2.0 ?


of course creative would say that they dont want people thinking about a sound card thats better then theres do they, either way am getting the d2x next payday as my crapy xfi fatalty is just a pos in xp and vista for me :mad:
I'm just saying it is worth investigating to verify given the statement rather than everyone run out, and buy xonar's then find out they only do EAX 2.0 when they bought them for EAX 5.0.

I think that is a reasonable and sensible approach.

The nearest I've seen to endorsement was a recent review comparing the Prelude and the Xonar. They said they couldn't tell them apart in their gaming tests but the EAX5 issue wasn't mentioned specifically.

Xonar DX was announced in the US at around $89. If it's under £50 here, I'm jumping ship. I'm not too bothered about EAX5 anyway, just getting surround sound in Vista, and I'm tired of disabling some of my RAM to allow the card to work properly.
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