helmut ive lost count of the number of times you've been wrong and people such as myself have had to correct you. ive also lost count of the number of times ive seen you act like a 5 year old when you're told you are wrong....is this another example of your behavior? Helmut, dont tell me what to do. i dont take orders from stroppy children. it deosnt matter what you did or didnt say, the xonar is the better card so you can stop with your 'it could be but..' theories and leave it to the people who have used both. I wouldnt have to say anything if what you were saying was correct
no what you DID STATE was that it didnt have EAX period, before you were corrected.
what i repeatedly told you is that they stated eax5.0 compatibility which is exactly what they set out to do. nobody is pulling any wool here but as said above, it happens all the so why are you singling out ASUS anyway? for your information, HELMUT, i had an asus motherboad, the p5w-dh deluxe, and it fell apart on me. literally. that didnt stop me buying a xonar d2. Another thing about stating what it does on the box?.......... it says eax
yep, i think thats about the long and short of it!