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At Last - surround gaming with decent graphics

One is on its its way.

I have everything in place.

SLI bridge
Hacked SLI Drivers

7900 GTX SLI on an ASUS P5W DH X fire mobo! :D

Fingers crossed it works!
TBirdUK said:
are you using the triplehead2go?

Not yet,

But I will after a tweak.

I have just built a new bench for my rig I'll post pics.Its about time I got my desk area sorted lol.

I have been playing games with my keyborad on my knee! :p
You mentioned the ability to support some widescreen resolutions now...
would it be possible to have say a 24" widescreen in the middle, with a pair of 19" on either edge for peripheral, or would that screw with things majorly? :p
All three screens would be the same resolution, so the aspect would be off slightly on the outer screens. TBH since they're angled anyway, and peripheral I doubt you'd reall notice - would look awesome with a 24" in the middle :D
So anyone else set one of these up? I am very tempted, was looking at getting the new BenQ 24inch thats coming out end of Oct, but this sounds like it could be more fun!
Just managed to get a couple of DVI splitters from work, work uses X300 cards in a dell machine, does anyone know if these will work on other machines/graphics cards?
Yeah - should work fine - just a bit of wire splitting - not sure what you want it for though - just works as a clone, so both screens will look the same? Unless they work like the old Matrox cards in which case - who knows!
I got you - it sounds like the old Matrox Parhelia system (Here)

It will be driven by the gfx card I think - don't think the cable is enough but I suppose it won't hurt to try - it runs off the stretch mode so give it a whirl!
yep, must be similar - now I've opened the packet the dvi connector bit is different - loads more pins etc - what a pain!
Of course, since your GFX card has 2 outputs, if you got yourself another TH2go then you could have 6 screens in a 3x2 matrix ;) Now that really would make your GPU cry! (Time to upgrade to 2x 7950GX2's?) :eek:
lol i'd love to see that, 6x19@ tft's all running one big ass game

though i think you'd be stuck with the same problem with FPS games where the cross hair would be in the horizontal join of the topand bottom 3 tft's
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