At what age did you know what you wanted to do for a living?

I never really knew what i wanted to do, ended up going to uni doing Business Computing so ended up in IT. I did a masters in Computer Forensics a few years later so have progressed in to info/cyber security. The pay is pretty good and i enjoy most of it.
I am 35 and still don't know what I want to do. I've been with the same company since I left school at 16. If I take my work place pension in to account, I earn a very modest wage for not having any qualifications. The trouble is, I don't particularly like my job (lots of stress). If I knew what I wanted to do, even if it meant I earned less I would probably do it.
I'm 41 and have had many jobs since I was 15.

Started out at a trainee baker, have qualifications in that roll. I am a master baker, confectioner, and pastry chef. Did that for 12 ish years until I had a family, going to work at midnight and having young children doesn't work unfortunately as I loved that job. It's also not that we'll paid.

As an interim job I became a security guard and have several qualifications to do with different types of control and operation, only lasted for around 18 months as I get very bored when not doing very much.

I then became a bus driver and excelled in that becoming bus driver of the year in my district and getting several commendations for amongst other things bravery in the face of danger after having major incidents whilst working.

Another 12 years later and an opportunity came up to work for a major energy supplier where I am today. Started out as an electrical engineer apprentice at the age of 36, and now am fully qualified to work on major installations and have worked in power plants and nuclear sites. I'm also a qualified gas network engineer and have again worked on major gas supply projects for the company.

Although I never set out to do what I currently do I really enjoy my work. Making and fixing things having something to show for what I do at the end of the day and being physically exhausted is oddly satisfying.

I've 4 children (two separate relationships) a wife of 5 years and a 3 bed house in central Bath. And I love my life!

I'm well paid I have what I want and live the life we want as a family.

I never wanted to do what I do but I enjoy my work, every day is different. I have found my niche and I'm satisfied with that.
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I'm 39. I still don't know what I want to do for a job. I get an idea, I follow it, I find out I have to do something else about it. I've had injuries most of my working life and symptoms I don't even know I have.
I never really knew what I wanted to do as a child/young person , but at 17 I tried to join the army but was turned down as I have an Autoimmune Disease so I just went through life not really doing much at all just going from job to job to drink and drugs to rehab , and at 56 I'm a happy person :).
29, I had done all the living out of a suitcase in hotels working around the country as a site engineer and dredging superintendent.
Became unemployed for a year, went to college and trained as a draughtsman eventually a qualified civil design engineer for the rest of my career.
Clueless when I was at School.

A professional Illustrator - the latter I got close but with spiralling debt I had to revert to Plan B, and earn some money. Ended up with an office job as anything art related - graphic design, games design, illustration is extremely competitive.

A mate of mine had a similar path, a fine art degree, ended up on the corporate ladder and was doing very well. Simply quit and now gone back to his roots. Very brave, and doing well.

I am in a career I genuinely enjoy. Never ever planned, but luck, graft, played a part. Nothing taken for granted so always thinking of Plan C.
33, not entirely sure yet. I'm hoping to go into microbiological research, starting next year but I won't know until I've spent some time doing it whether that's really what I want to do.

Hello, 10 year old necro.

Well, I had a pretty good most of those ten years but in the end it didn't really work out and now, ten years later, I still don't really know. So, er, there's that?
i knew I wanted to work in IT from about 17. I got a job in IT and got promoted and loved it. But I had to quit due to illness. But I am enjoying my time now caring for my 2 grandmothers who have dementia. I'm just glad they are happy and still here. I only work 3 days a week though but I own 2 houses, one of which I rent out.
always wanted to be a pilot as a kid but that was never going to happen ,did a ford technician apprenticeship ,long spell of unemployment ,steady ok paid stores job ,then going from unskilled job to unskilled job (cad programmer ,waterjeter was ok)
never found anything i am remotely good at ,terrible concentration and bored quickly ,
my saving grace in life is i am good with what little money i earn ,when i purchase something its worth buying (like my maui jims) born and bred in west yorkshire a tatty house we bought was refreshed and then we prioritised paying off the mortgage while everyone around us was buying tat every weekend at the white rose centre ,every spare penny was funnelled into over payment 9 years later paid off mortgage sold for over double ,
bought a house for cash here again needed refreshing but transformed it and the amazing garden (living room garden ,private road ,garden over road)
so although i cant compete with the salarys mentioned i am defiantly up there in the lifestyle and view league table :D

19.. long way to go but im in 15minds.. i like one but then i like other things etc etc.. can't really decide what i want to do for sure.. sitting here studying IT even tho i will not want to do anything with it at all.. basically i want something interesting even if its hard.. "hands on job" if you know i mean..

29 now, how things have changed :D

I went into retail after college (21ish), obviously hated it and got paid very little, year in I quit and decided to apply to an apprenticeship in IT(said I'll never do it) as a linux system administrator. Well from that point on it escalated quickly, soon the apprenticeship was over and I got offered a junior position then moved up to "mid weight" and after 4 years quit the job there. Learned a lot, completely changed my attitude, moved out of my parents on 15k a year and rented a house with my brother in Croydon. Continued cycling to work to save money and found a new job where I am now.

I am currently working as DevOps engineer, senior level and get paid quite well and still am learning a lot every day. I enjoy the job, it's quite challenging and there's always something new to learn which is what I need as stalling just doesn't work for me. I've also moved out of London and will hopefully soon be looking to buy our first house with my other half. 29 now!

Honestly when I typed the above post I never thought I'll end up where I am now but I'm very happy and often need to remind myself to appreciate it more lol.

I didn't go to uni and obviously have no debt to pay back so apprenticeship is a brilliant thing to have in this country. I'd recommend it to a lot of young people trying to get started!

I don't know what's next, continue learning and go up the ladder...
Check your privilege, your posts have to be approved :p
Not gonna lie, I do feel a bit VIP’ish sometimes (other times it’s annoying as hell, sometimes I’ll post something and by the time it’s approved the thread has moved on :p)
37 and still don't know what i want to do job wise. Fortunately for me i'm doing okay for myself. (Work in IT) However i think my current job plays a big part in me not doing anything about changing to a job i'd rather do/my dream job. I find my job pretty easy to be honest, i seem to be good at it and i get paid enough to support my little family and still get the odd treat. So that really decreases my push to want to do something else. (I'm not a fan of change which doesn't help. :( Although i'm guessing a lot of us feel the same way as we are basically wired to stay in our comfort zones.) I really admire people who can just go for things and get themselves out there.
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