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ATI X1900's arrive & NVIDIA 512MB GTX too!!

5 Jan 2006
I've decided I will change my order to the BFG. Will I have to cancel my original order and re-order the BFG card? Or would it be possible for you just to change my order from one to the other? Keeping the original price of £480 (which was what it was when I ordered the XFX) would be superb.



12 Jul 2005
Bito said:
Gibbo...what do you mean when you say ATi have gone with slower memory.....pics. on the net show cards have 1.1ns ram.....is the shipping product different ????


I knew I didn't dream seeing this! Yes, I saw pictures of a 1.1ns equiped X1900 board as well...

OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Eliminos said:
I've decided I will change my order to the BFG. Will I have to cancel my original order and re-order the BFG card? Or would it be possible for you just to change my order from one to the other? Keeping the original price of £480 (which was what it was when I ordered the XFX) would be superb.

Yes just send a webnote now or ring sales 8:30am - 5pm and they will ammend your order. :)
1 Jul 2004
Sunny Manchester
AWPC said:
The real world difference between a GTX512 & GTX512OC or XXX edition is minimal @ best. Yes it is a little faster & the absolute best etc etc but hello reality check anyone.

Std GTX512 OC-XXX GTX512
54.4GB 56GB Fillrate
13.20 Mem Bandwidth on both
1.7Ghz 1.73-1.75Ghz Memory speed

No-way anyone can notice the gaming difference outside of an artifical benchmark.

I agree with you mate. Only the factory overclocked cards would appeal to benchers really. The price difference would be a factor too. If there are huge gaps between prices whats the point. However, on OcUK, listed at the same price are the XFX 7800 512MB GTX and XFX 7800 512GTX EE XXX, so people are gunner go for the higher clocked card.

Tbh, im not really bothered. Aslong the card is going to be an excellent performer in games etc. I'l probs get my self a 7800GT 256MB. Hopefully SLI in the future hooked up in a shuttle SN26P. The GT would be great for me, -playing games and displaying a picture etc.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Bennah said:
Thanks for the note Gibbo.

I take it the NDA expires around 2pm tomorrow. I got an email this morning saying that another online retailer would have the X1900's in and on thier website for sale tomorrow at 2pm.

Any news about getting the X1900 XL cards in stock soon Gibbo?

Hi there

XL series cards is an unknown m8 as last time I spoke to ATI they were thinking of permantly finishing of that line which would mean no X1900 XL. It was a product due for release in March but now looks like it may never exist.

I have a feeling ATI will release the X1800 XT 256MB varient at very agressive pricing, maybe even not much more than a overclocked 7800 GT cost, but thats just me guessing and if they do it won't me for approx 2-4 weeks time. Though at the moment with X1800 XT's been just £239 +VAT at OcUK who needs to wait for an XL that may never come out with a flagship card so cheap buy now as come this time tomorrow it will be a lot more money.
28 Nov 2005
you lot must have sold a few of these x1800xt's off by now... ive seen at least 3people on here questioning waiting for the x1900 as the x1800xt is soo cheap... i know ive bought one tonight... im wondering who else has just threw caution into the wind and just bought the x1800xt...

extremely good card.... for an incredibly low price
10 Dec 2005
£725 for an Asus 7800GT Dual (can be picked up for £586 on the web).

How crazy people are that they pay £725 for a card. :) No Nvidia card above £120.00 is worth it. I have been changing mine since the Geforce came out and I did pay at one stage £300.00 for a Geforce 4400Ti, I hope I remember it right and I found that there was no difference between that card and my Geforce 3, so basically I was out of pocket.
14 Nov 2002
LoadsaMoney said:
Yup he speaketh the truth, i bought one :mad: , getting rid as soon as RD580 boards are here, and going for the Asus board, as if its anything like the one out now, it should be a stonking board.

Out of curiosity, why will the RD580 be better than the current Asus 480/Uli crossbreed ?
Ok 2x16 PCI-E, but its not like 8x PCI is going to be overloaded for a while yet .... just wondering as I can't see why it would be that much difference performance wise ?

I am still deciding weather to go for a crossfire X1800 or just get the X1900 .. the results tommorow should confirm ... but from what I can make out the Xfire x1800 option would be a little faster ...
19 Nov 2005
Eliminos dude why bother with the damm GTX 512, you know that the X1900XT will beat it in 80% of tests and the XTX probably in all and they're gunna be the same price or cheaper dont bother with the green giant, its a well known facts that in some instances nvidia cheats image quality for performance where ATI doesnt. if i were you i'd so be online for the NDA lift an order the canadian bad boi
5 Jan 2006
If you want my full reasons:

As soon as I get enough money together, I'm getting dual graphics cards. Whether that be two 512gtxs or two 7900s (by selling my 512gtx).

I feel much more comfortable running an A8N32 (which I have sat on my shelf). And am going to be overclocking so the crossfire choice is a DFI, which i really really dont want.

I feel more comfortable with SLI (shove two cards in, change the BIOS option to 'yes') than frig around with crossfire control cards etc.

I have a 9800pro now and I have given up on catalysts altogether and am using Omega drivers. ForceWare > Catalyst.

All in all its my choice and when it comes down to it, its just fanboyism thats going to be brought into an argument, but I'm sticking with an nVidia.

and if the figures posted on the last page are correct. 24000 agree with me. So I'll take my 512gtx and you can scream at your ATI.
Last edited:
18 Oct 2002
Gibbo said:
buy now as come this time tomorrow it will be a lot more money.

Whys it gona cost more tomorrow? Seems kinda weird that it can be a low price now with more than enough supply then over the couse of one night this is all going to change?
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Gerard said:
Whys it gona cost more tomorrow? Seems kinda weird that it can be a low price now with more than enough supply then over the couse of one night this is all going to change?

Read rest of the thread, the answers are in there................
19 Jan 2006
London, UK
cant believe the r580 board is taking so long to come out.
What do you think the x1900xtx stock level will be like when the mobo finally comes out?
shall i buy x1900xtx now and wait for the board or jus wait for the board any buy both together?
8 Dec 2005
modez said:
£725 for an Asus 7800GT Dual (can be picked up for £586 on the web).

How crazy people are that they pay £725 for a card. :) No Nvidia card above £120.00 is worth it. I have been changing mine since the Geforce came out and I did pay at one stage £300.00 for a Geforce 4400Ti, I hope I remember it right and I found that there was no difference between that card and my Geforce 3, so basically I was out of pocket.
Yeah true imagine dual cards @ that price for a quad SLI (can be done as well on the right SLI mobo) but if you game @ high res like I do 1920x1200 on a 24" Dell only a 7800GTX or X18-900 is gonna give you the frame rate for smooth gameplay & max details. For anyone with a monitor which only supports 1280x1024 there is no point in getting a gfx card for more than £200-300 as you will probably not notice the advantage outside of benchmarks.
8 Dec 2005
Bennah said:
I agree with you mate. Only the factory overclocked cards would appeal to benchers really. The price difference would be a factor too. If there are huge gaps between prices whats the point. However, on OcUK, listed at the same price are the XFX 7800 512MB GTX and XFX 7800 512GTX EE XXX, so people are gunner go for the higher clocked card.
I would have waited but the wait is too much for me to handle as I have been stuck with slow fps for weeks now.

Come March when/if the G71 arrives may sell the GTX512 and upgrade as the resale value will still be good!
1 Jul 2004
Sunny Manchester
Gibbo said:
Hi there

XL series cards is an unknown m8 as last time I spoke to ATI they were thinking of permantly finishing of that line which would mean no X1900 XL. It was a product due for release in March but now looks like it may never exist.

I have a feeling ATI will release the X1800 XT 256MB varient at very agressive pricing, maybe even not much more than a overclocked 7800 GT cost, but thats just me guessing and if they do it won't me for approx 2-4 weeks time. Though at the moment with X1800 XT's been just £239 +VAT at OcUK who needs to wait for an XL that may never come out with a flagship card so cheap buy now as come this time tomorrow it will be a lot more money.

Thanks for the response.

I heard about the ATi would bring out a X1900 XL. It would be the best 'bang for buck' card. Who knows.

Will just have to wait and see tbh.
18 Oct 2002
im building a new system sometime between march-may - looks like im going to definitly go the ati gfx/mb chipset route, i just hope amd based m/bs with the new ati chipset are out buy then
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