Atlas (May 24, Netflix)

I really want to like this, it's a Titanfall movie after all.. but JLo and rubbish storyline make me hesitant to watch it
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It was a little watchable. The best thing about it was it's the first Dolby Vision film I've seen on my new TV so it meant I got the DV picture settings dialled in.
for me, Movies peaked somewhere in the 90s and dropped off somewhere in the early 2000s

Yep. I remember going cinema and watching the Matrix with my brother and we were blown away. We was like movies just keep getting better. Around that time I think was the peak. Went slowly down hill from there, to the point now I hardly watch new movies anymore.
Also wanted to love this but it was bang average, the sort of film you have on whilevyou're scrolling on your phone. 5/10. JLo was not cut out for this role. Maid In Manhattan was better.
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I think the 70s were greatest ever decade for movies, but you're right in general, the 90s were very good and it's been downhill ever since. Hardly watch anything new any more.

90s or so set design and effects really moved up a notch and are often still passable by today's standards - there are some great movies from the 70s but some you just can't unsee the set dressing and laughable effects compared to today.
90s or so set design and effects really moved up a notch and are often still passable by today's standards - there are some great movies from the 70s but some you just can't unsee the set dressing and laughable effects compared to today.

Those kind of things don't overly bother me tbh. I can happily sit and watch B&W classics all day - The Third Man, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Maltese Falcon etc

But yes, there were advancements in those areas for sure, I still think 70s were the best decade, but the 80s and 90s were very good too.
Watched it last night, I guess if you are 12 then this film is good but for me, it's bad but also weirdly passes the time. The story was predictable, her ARC was almost indestructible compared to everyone else's and Netflix need to spend their budget on better writers and not lead actors.

Speaking of older films, if this was made in the 80's, it would be a man in the lead and instead of flowers, he would find an alien puppy. The lead would be Bruce Willis and the bad guy would be Jeremy Irons.
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Another one of those where the concept had potential, but ruined by an incredibly weak story and JLO constantly screaming as a substitute for actual acting.
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Won't be long until someone inserts Cooper and BT in place of Jlo and whatever the AI is called and makes it a better film.
It wasn't terrible, but it was far from good. Probably the last thing I'll watch before cancelling my Netflix subscription as I've been idling on the old basic plan for awhile which they are now forcing over to a new ad supported plan. Will just dip in now and again when there might be something actually good on there.
Also wanted to love this but it was bang average, the sort of film you have on whilevyou're scrolling on your phone. 5/10. JLo was not cut out for this role. Maid In Manhattan was better.

Her production company was involved with this, wonder how she got the lead role :confused:
You could see everything coming from a mile off and half the time you could guess the next line because they were so obvious. How is writing such a hard thing to do. I know its a skilled job but how do they keep using so many ***** ones. There are good ones.
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