Atlas (May 24, Netflix)

You could see everything coming from a mile off and half the time you could guess the next line because they were so obvious. How is writing such a hard thing to do. I know its a skilled job but how do they keep using so many ***** ones. There are good ones.

Sometimes it's higher up people interfering with what they feel needs to be included, other times it's poor writers that fail upward but somehow manage to convince the higher ups that it's what people want to see.

Ultimately the only thing the upper crust in these companies care about is making money, but they have very little involvement in the process until things seriously start to go wrong. Netflix are in the process of throwing crap at the wall and hoping something will stick, but it all boils down to incompetent people gaining positions that they shore up with similarly minded people at the more mid to upper-mid level.

It's little wonder there's so much concern over AI from a lot of the supposed creative types, it's as much about it doing a better job as it is "stealing" content.

As for Atlas, yeah J-Lo is awful and even the premise of this isn't a draw. If I want to enjoy some pretty CGI I can watch the trailer and be done with it.
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Wasn't expecting too much after all the bad reviews this sempt to have got, though it does seem like once the usual youtubers put their opinion out it gets echoed around anyway enjoyed this and it scratched the Titanfall 2 itch that the game left me after finishing it.

Visually it looks well and it's a pretty standard take brain out enjoy action flick.

The rest is even worse. Couldn't finish it. Lopez is awful. It's all awful.

Made it as far as this even with the bad acting, then saw the Woke warning signs light up...

Instant stop and down vote.

Always end up watching old movies or shows without this garbage
Respawn could take them to court and win easily with this lol. God it was awful..they had Strong and not have HIM play the bad guy lol? He msut have been a bit thing and shot his parts in one day.
J Lo still hasnt learned to act after all these years.
Ai baddy McBad Bad again..why?...cause they sure as **** cant seem to write a good character anymore.

Think Ill go watch Titanfall 2 story cut on Youtube to get this bad taste out of my mouth.
though it does seem like once the usual youtubers put their opinion out it gets echoed around
The 'usual youtubers' as you put it haven't touched this with a barge pole, they've been far too busy dunking on dr who and furiosa.

It's just a steaming pile of **** by all accounts
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Made it as far as this even with the bad acting, then saw the Woke warning signs light up...

Instant stop and down vote.

Always end up watching old movies or shows without this garbage

The woke stuff was pretty token really and largely forgettable, it was the lowest effort of slapping something in to tick the box. The whole thing was pretty low effort really but I wouldn't say it was terrible, just not very good. I managed to make it through but you aren't missing much if you didn't.
The woke stuff was pretty token really and largely forgettable, it was the lowest effort of slapping something in to tick the box. The whole thing was pretty low effort really but I wouldn't say it was terrible, just not very good. I managed to make it through but you aren't missing much if you didn't.
We watched it on the weekend and the pronoun bit was indeed easily forgotten..

However, the overarching boss babe character was inexcusable.. She was a 'genius', demanded respect from everyone, yet could do nothing, was beyond useless and due to her actions put people in danger and just bitched and moaned.. My Mrs is the one that wanted to turn it off because she hates that woke trope probably because she's worked from some right 'mares and hates the belligerence.

Amazing how I, Robot back in 2004 did a far better job of AI prejudice whilst having a great story and cast (I have a low bar admittedly)
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