attic + summer = bad bad bad

My cpu is idle at 30...... I don't see what the fuss is about. To be fair though I do idel at 25-30 usually.
Same here, my X2 has risen about 10 degrees since the heat came. Its warm enough in the attic during the summer anyway but 2 OC'd PC's running boinc 24/7 can really make it cook. All my fans are on maximum. Im just dreading any real heat coming :eek:

Now i realise why my uni room was always hot without any radiators on and the windows open. :p
gosh, climate change! :(
oh lets go and buy an ac unit (more carbon emissions, in use, construction and shipping etc)

phoar! any one else getting hot?!
44c with both cores loaded on water :p

My room is 30c atm with 2 little windows open and a fan blowing :eek:
for anybody worried about temps on water put your rad in water, less noise, 1-2 less fans running, and ya can always drop a couple of ice packs in.

32c room temperature, cpu idle temp 21c and load on 32c, its great
locutus12 said:
(snip) ...after that its always going to be too cold or too hot.

There is no such thing as too cold for your PC...:D

Grab a coat!

But yeah, it's hot.. my X2-4200 (Cack Akasa cooler, holding out for Thermalright Ultra120) is 40c Idle, and that's with 3x120mm in and a Delta 120 (190CFM) exhaust!
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got no means of measuring temp in my room though, how accurate are 'mercury' thermometres these days ?

Mercury!? I'm stuck in the real old days, with a gallilean one. And all the balls have sunk to the bottom. :confused: Damned global warming...
Baron Biscuit said:
Mercury!? I'm stuck in the real old days, with a gallilean one. And all the balls have sunk to the bottom. :confused: Damned global warming...

Same here, all balls have been at the bottom for days, its currently 25 degrees in here with all windows open. Was 32 this morning with windows open
NightmareXX said:
Answer: Don't play games during the day. Or you can stick the fan sped at 100% (Noisy on an X1900 though)

abit difficult to increase your fan speed when your water cooled :rolleyes:

besides the problem is the room, turning your fans up 100% will make no difference at all if the rooms already hot.
god bless air con. getting a 2nd unit early next week. the entire flat should be nice and chilly then :D
locutus12 said:
there all so damn expensive :( only want to spend about £40 on it as i wont be here for ever.

EDIT: dropped OC to 2.6Ghz, voltage to stock, saved 2oC :) should help a little, i found a little AC unit on fleebay for £20 but i dont know how well it will work, it works off ice packs and presumably at that price your only going to get cool air for as long as the ice packs hold out then youl have to run to your freezer and spend a couple of hours freezing them again... not ideal...

you got a link to that little ac unit
IamMed said:
my gcard is melting, now 29c in my room, BF2 got my card upto 90c :eek:

mine got up to that in winter with all the windows open....

global warming??? No its called summer, we just arnt used to it lately ;) :p
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