Looks like the beta testing is still underway for the QRB WU's, so its worth setting your clients up to get them, all for the good of the team!
Here are some tips and tricks from our friends over at [H]ardforum:
On my GTX470 the point value for a 8057 is 72K that means if I can get all the 470's on weebeastie folding a 8057 the full output would be:
CPU0: - 17K
GPU0: - 72K
GPU0: - 72K
GPU0: - 72K
GPU0: - 72K
Total: - 305K
Of course, now I've set it up I have one gpu with a 8057 and the others with 12K 8018 WUs.. but hey
That being said, these are beta team WU's and as such you can't get any help from Stanford for them or have any recourse if they set your PC on fire etc etc.
As to the ethics of the practice of doing beta WU's when not on the beta team I leave it to you individually to decide.
Here are some tips and tricks from our friends over at [H]ardforum:
If you are folding an nVidia GTX400 series or better video card, make sure you have your client set up to receive the quick return bonus (QRB) work units now in beta. You mainly need two things (3 with the v7 client):
1. A passkey - this is the same passkey you use for SMP work. I assume most of you have one already.
2. You need to set the beta flag. For the version 6.xx client, you just add -betateam to your shortcut to start the client. In v7, it is under the Configure button - Slots tab - Extra slot options. Add a new option, Name is client-type, Value is beta.
3. (v7 only) add another Extra slot option, Name is next-unit-percentage, Value is 100.
If you have any issues setting this up, please ask. The point value on these units (8057s) is very high, and other teams have taken advantage of them. We need to as well.
On my GTX470 the point value for a 8057 is 72K that means if I can get all the 470's on weebeastie folding a 8057 the full output would be:
CPU0: - 17K
GPU0: - 72K
GPU0: - 72K
GPU0: - 72K
GPU0: - 72K
Total: - 305K
Of course, now I've set it up I have one gpu with a 8057 and the others with 12K 8018 WUs.. but hey
That being said, these are beta team WU's and as such you can't get any help from Stanford for them or have any recourse if they set your PC on fire etc etc.
As to the ethics of the practice of doing beta WU's when not on the beta team I leave it to you individually to decide.