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I have not been diligently attending to these threads I know, but I have been busy with work and other stuff.

Never mind. My plan is to continue the auction as it is. The closing date for bids will be tonight at 10pm.

I know that some people have said that more money could have been raised if the auction was done differently and I appreciate that, but I will stick to the original plan as people have already bid generous sums.

I will liase with Gilly about use of his account to make payments and also to sort out post count updates.

As I said, I know that it could have been done differently and more money could have been raised so I do accept that and the comments some have made. :)

I will, as a way of making up so to speak, be auctioning off my world famous ;) hat so that the highest bidder can donate to any charity they see fit.

I do hope that this is ok with you folks.
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