It seems a lot more laid back and a lot less red tape (Except for motoring, where there is lots of it*). As you drive into Cairns, you run alongside the railway line for a bit. It is unfenced. No signs, no fences, just a railway line about 20 feet away from the road seperate only by some grass. People just seem to know that if they stand there, a train will squash them. Here, there would be a 10 foot high fence with razor wire.
A lot of it I think is because of the weather - it relaxes people, it chills them out, you can't get too hot headed because its often too warm to get into a fuss about nothing. Many of the people I met were very friendly and approachable, but there was still the fair share of rude people.
*OMG @ Parking. They have the most complex parking spaces ever. You can't just find a space and park in it. You need to read the signs to find out which way to park your car. It'll be either nose in, or tail in. And OMG, a fine if you get it wrong, because hey guys, this is serious business. And there is no pattern to it. In Hay, a guy had an annurism because I parked nose in. On an empty street. At 9pm at night. In Bathurst, 400km down the road, you've got to park tail in. In another town half the spaces were nose in and half were tail in. Then once you've mastered that you need to realise that you can only park on the left hand side of the road - so you can't drive across traffic to park in a space. I got that one wrong as well. You park in the direction of travel otherwise I presume small children die or something.