Very interesting radio chatter - a couple of things I found interesting with JB's chatter;
1) Relatively early on JB's engineer says something about -3 in a positive manner (but not relating to time seemingly), would be interesting to know what this was alluding to
2) mid race - around lap 30's , JB is told to keep his KERS warm, so I guess he wasnt using this for quite some time before that which makes the time he was building / staying ahead even more impressive imo
3) Im also sure that the engineer says about the same time that fuel consumption is good, so it sounds as if fuel on his car wasnt that marginal for the whole race after all
The worst thing about yesterday was the 6 hours or so between the end of the race and the highlights starting , which was incredibly painful (and REALLY hard not ot see/find out the result before hand)