Auto HDR available to test on Win 10 gaming PC's now

Division 2 works fine for me. In fact it's one of the best examples of hdr on windows as I don't even need to switch HDR on in windows settings for HDR to activate. Most of ubis games are great for HDR on windows, Assassins creed odyssey and far cry new dawn are also flawless.

What display are you using for HDR?
this one
So has anyone installed this yet and what do you think of it ?

This video of HDR in GTA V looks good

And Auto HDR in Apex Legends

This one is very bright :D
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Someone did a great video comparing it to SpecialK. Would definitely give the win to SK and sadly autohdr doesn't seem to be that much better than forced "fake HDR" through TV settings imo.

Watch in HDR
Division 2 works fine for me. In fact it's one of the best examples of hdr on windows as I don't even need to switch HDR on in windows settings for HDR to activate. Most of ubis games are great for HDR on windows, Assassins creed odyssey and far cry new dawn are also flawless.

What display are you using for HDR?
That's not been my expreince. Getting Division to work in HDR is a massive pain and unless I do the steps in the right order it goes all washed out and horrible looking worse then SDR. Still not managed to get Division HDR to work fullscreen only in fake fullscreen window borderless. Lots of reports of this. Its like the black level is wrong and raised up to a gray which ruins everything else. Basically I have to turn on HDR in windows first, then in game and make sure the game is set to borderless. Then reverse the steps afterwords. Anything else and I get this horrible washed out gray instead of dark blacks picture.

For those of you with washed out colours try using Windows Borderless over Windows fullscreen.
works quite well on my LG CX 48, only game that looks forced is Rocket League where oranges on certain maps are very bright & sharpened to hell.

tested this on a slew of 30 plus games, ranging from GtA V to RDR2 to planet coaster/WWE among others
I know but Windows 10 had it in dev builds, I'd hope they implement it. I really don't want to move to Windows 11, it offers no meaningful performance increase and the start menu is garbage, not relying on third party start menus either.
ive had it on windows 10 for weeks almost a month & bit & works fine (production version of windows please 21h2)

Now moved to W11 & just works by default
I don't like the fact HDR has to be on all the time, the desktop is all washed out in HDR. That's on an LG BX and a Dell monitor.
No problem here on lg cx sure you calibrated 8t correctly.

Also sometimes W10 goes into broken hdr mode and and it looks super washed out.

This stopped after I got a 8k cable with full rated 48 speed
No problem here on lg cx sure you calibrated 8t correctly.

Also sometimes W10 goes into broken hdr mode and and it looks super washed out.

This stopped after I got a 8k cable with full rated 48 speed

Not sure what I need to calibrate? HDR looks fine in some games and in HDR movies? Cable definitely compliant.
Not sure what I need to calibrate? HDR looks fine in some games and in HDR movies? Cable definitely compliant.
its been a long while but W10 used to have a calibrate button for HDR to tune the desktop for correct Metadata

also not really had the desktop washed for very long time
few things i did was:
swap cable
Updates windows
Use calibrate
Update LG firmware (helped with tons of issues on PC)
set TV to PC mode in LG home centre (this does some internal changes)
set Game mode in LG picture settings helps with quick switching from SDR - HDR and via versa

it happen a ton in RDR2 used to switch HDR to SDR then to this weird washed out not even SDR Mode but only use SDR now at HDR is crap
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