Bumping the thread a bit but had the first instance of my auto letting me down tonight - on dual-carriageway came up behind a moped with someone in the outside lane coming up quite fast - usually I've got in the habit of pulling out early and taking a more dominant position but erred on the side of being polite tonight :s as the person overtaking cleared me and I was starting to manoeuvre out (had been indicating the whole time) the car behind me decided to move over and try and come past me so I had to get quickly back on the brakes then I think they realised they were being a bit of a dick and eased back and flashed their headlights - but when I got back on the power to pull out the auto didn't respond engine just red-lined without much effect before finally deciding to change - usually I approach these situations in sport which possibly helps avoid it and I wasn't on the ball enough to manually change gear before the auto belatedly acted.