A real race to the bottom. Land will just be worthless until someone changes the tax and some rich person will just buy it all. How will someone with no or not enough income pay for it? It’s not their fault if the price has increased when they have lived in an area for the last 20-30 years.
I guess it would be value at time of purchase. If you taxed someone more and more because they were in an up and coming area they may well be forced out.
I think our tax system isn't too bad and only needs a bit of a swing to wealth.
I certainly wouldn't want to focus solely on wealth or any other metric. I think a balanced system is right.
I like the income tax model as it takes the poorest out of tax. You can argue what the barriers should be. But as a principle I don't think it's too bad.
Nor do I think council tax (more expensive property.. More tax) is that bad.
Not sure I'm keen on stamp duty rather than increase in CT. One makes staying put better, the other means moving is less expensive.
For sure personally I'd rather stamp duty was shifted to CT as I would like to move around a bit more. But it's so expensive.