
29 Aug 2003
Could there not be slightly more options put in there, or was a small limit put in place to avoid people spamming in order to attain the next avatar 'hit'? :p
why not?

I remember when this forum used to actually listen to its members, I still have a screen shot from when the avatars were actually various weapons...
Baddass said:
it's been suggested on several occasions. I think another high postcount avatar would be nice, maybe for >5000 since there are loads of members with >1000 posts. We will see, depends what the boss thinks :)

oooh thank you Baddass, let us know what 'he' says. :)
Zip said:
How about an Avatar system based on how long you have been on here rather then by posts?

There is no way you could spam that system

now that is a good idea actually, then there is no insentive to spam up GD all day
What I don't get is why people think that adding one or two (possibly too much?) avatars is going to 'ruin' the feeling of the forum?

Tbh it really is only a picture under your name, but then again variety is the spice of life!

I know OcUK is a very happy home for most of us, but that doesn't mean it perfect.....
one thing I would really like is something to tell people apart...

little geeky kids in their bedroom at their parental home acting big on the net // ADULTS
Lost-Prophet said:
I think that would be pretty easy. I'm a 'kid' (16) living with parents but I don't big myself up on the internet, I'm just my self :)

yes sorry that was a little tarring all with one brush, but you understand what I am getting at...
Sp!ke said:
Agreed to a degree, but preconceptions can be very damaging. Would you necessarily read and take seriously a 14 year old, no matter how interesting his/her post was?

One of the few occasions when ignorance is bliss. I judge post purely on content rather than who posts it.


just so you can spot the BS easier thats all
PinkFloyd said:
Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft.

Phoar :p


no? ;)
Lost-Prophet said:
What's she from? I recognise her. Other suggestions:

1) Milla Jovovich from resident evil
2) The woman on the front of Pulp Fiction (As said above)

most recently lost. Been in quite a few films, was in Fast N the furious as well iirc
yermum said:
Another forum that I post on uses the male / female signs under the avatar where the other information is regarding location etc. Could this be included? It is very small and could clear up some misconceptions.

out of interest can I ask which one if allowed? is it car related?
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