
Yewen said:
Im 17, live at home with my parents and post from my bedroom. Your point?

erm did you even bother read the following posts, maybe thats your age coming through :p :rolleyes: I said I didn't mean to tar all with that statement and did appologise, maybe your youthful eyes didn't see that though eh?
Yewen said:
You can get 12 year olds talking a lot of sense, and 40 year olds purposefully breaking rules and trolling / flaming the boards.

I see it happen, I have been on the end of both. Age is irrelevant on the forums, quality of posting is what it is about and that is something everyone can do no matter what age.

I did read the whole thread believe it or not.

lol well why comment then when someone else already raised that point?

well something needs to be done to curb the abuse that gets thrown about, the rule breaking and general sillyness posts. Its ok to have a laugh obviously but some people in here are just.... bizzare
RTM does not always work though does it, I've seen times where this place has had no 'authority'... ie night time like this.

Obviously during the day we're ok, and the mods do seem to pick up most stuff pretty quickly.. but they also don't have as much trolling to deal with compaired to a few years back. I can remember accounts getting nuked left right and centre, week bans etc doesn't seem to happen as much.... maybe they're getting soft?

/runs for hidy hole

out of interest, what powers of moderation do you have as a UB?
Yewen said:
As a UB I point things out for dons and Commissario's to sort out. Carry the weight of a Don but without the powers, I have a check on power before anything gets done.

Bans, well I can say I have had 20+ people banned from here, in the month and 3 days that im a UB. Just me this is asking about things relating to.

This forum gets moderated left right and center, you never see 95% of it, the dons do loads of work, and the UB's do just as much.

You can't comprehend the amount that goes on. The deleted thread section, for the threads that are deleted with comments, that is the third largest section on here.

GD and Archieves beat it, tell me the dons don't do anything!

RTM does work, and if you feel it does not: [email protected] and I will see to it.

If you think these forums do not get moderated then you are certainly wrong, just it all goes on without people knowing.

no no you pick me up wrong young man, what I am saying is at certain times of the day ie 2:00 onwards there is less MOD/UB coverage...

I have never doubted the work that goes into it, I was a moderator on hardwarecentral for nearly three years back in my school/college days and that took a fair bit of personal commitment, for in all honesty bugger all in return but that was my choice :)
DaveyD said:
At the end of the day, very few people are ever actually on at silly times, i.e. between 2 & 6, and even if problem posts are actually that bad, they're going to be there, for what, 3 or 4 hours athe most, it's not as if RTM sends out a donsignal, they'll get dealt with as fast as possible when a mod is around for the job.

all I can say is nananananananananana DON MAN! :D sorry....

all I am saying is there no longer seems to be running battles between users and moderators anymore, when this place used to ripe for it.

I'm not having a go at you OcUK army people
I just remember lots and lots of arguments over deleted threads and mysterious temp bans etc, resulting in people banned, resulting in people asking, resulting in those who asked getting blah blah blah it doesn't really matter that much jeez :rolleyes:

you can say that now and I would agree with you yes, but that wasn't certainly always the case in the past... and I'm talking 5-6 years ago.. a certain man with blue in his name iirc. But you boys do a fine smashing job! :)

/pat on back

I didn't open this thread in order to make a spamfest, I can't help what people do with my threads!
PinkFloyd said:
Oh yes thats what I'm talking about :)

who cares if he isn't mafia, he beats the mafia in Italian Job. :p

how about:

fpmsl! :D You could appoint that to the idiot of the week lol
yes there has been once or twice where I have seriously question myself why someone would give certain users MoH status, when they do not act with honor on a daily basis, dare I say at all? I agree with greenlizard0 on that one
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