Avoid 6600 - Batch 7638A742

Jimmy1983 said:
Is it just batch 7638A742 that I need to try to avoid?

I would say yes as mine its just fine running the 400x9 Now stable with no extra voltage so i know orther people have same results so i think it must have been a very Bad chip :eek:
Thought I would just say that it is totally pot luck in how the batches clock. I have a week 40a E6600 on water at 3.6GHz with 1.4v with temps of 25idle 35-37 Load so that is quite respectable as its more than a 1ghz clock and it was very easy to achieve.

I am stuck at getting it to 3.8GHz but then I only started messing with overclocking this beast last night. So lots more fiddling to do :D
Big.Wayne said:
Thats only if you don't open a product. You can't open a retail CPU Box then decide you don't want it, OEM yes, Retail no.

Yes, but the stepping is written on the outside. No requirement to open the box.
VortX said:
When is it safe to order a 6600 and it garunteed not to be the 'dodgy' batch? :p

You can't. You could buy second hand or buy from a smaller place where they'll take a few minutes to look at the stepping on the box and pass that information on before shipping.
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