Awesome new Sony BRAVIA advert footage.

Zip said:
If you look on the website you can see the making of it in video form. they said it was over 50,000 balls and when they made it fly down the hill it sounded like a stampede :D
They had nets at the bottom of the hills to catch all the balls aswell :)

Ah I didn't check the website only the youtube video. Thanks.
Amoeba said:
I think it's a shame the building is being knocked down :( The transformation from a horrible old tower block to the one shown at the end of that video (colours of the rainbow in a gradient going up it) was beautiful - it now looks lovely (well almost) :)

At the end of the video I couldn't help but smile (seriously) when I saw how the paint had coloured the building.. I guess it is something to do with scale but something that big with those colours just looks beautiful.

*watches video again :)*

I cant wait to get a HD tv and watch the ad.

I bet it looks stunning on a new Bravia but they are 1500 notes for 28"
Mik3 said:
In 20 years time people will wish they listened to people like me.

If we listened to you, I suspect things would become very boring.

It's good ads like this that negate the dozens of horrible ads that are shown over and over again. Attacking it as pollution and a waste of resources seems completely pointless - you could say that about millions and millions of things.
I agree with above posts about a waste of time/money/rescources etc. but i gotta hand it to Sony - Only they have to much money to waste on doing something like this.

Did anyone ever actualy see the Balls advert or TV or anywhere other than the internet?

Well done Sony :) Thinking differently, but keeping cool along the way

and for all the moaning minnies this might be Sony's Demise! wasting all this money, somethings gotta replace it. PS3 prices? :p ;)
Phate said:
I agree with above posts about a waste of time/money/rescources etc. but i gotta hand it to Sony - Only they have to much money to waste on doing something like this.

Did anyone ever actualy see the Balls advert or TV or anywhere other than the internet?

I saw it on TV lots of times :)

BTW people may seem its a waste of money but when you think about the TVs they are going to sell from this then its really not a waste at all.
With out ads like these then hardly anyone would know what bravia is.

That big beer ad cost 2million AUD IIRC and its the most downloaded ad on the net and everyone talks about it and it would have sold enough beer to cover its money it spent :)

Its what advertising is for.
Compaines waste money on paying people to be in adverts, to use CGI using up a lot of power.

This advert is abit of fun and it used up some paint, atleast ti created a lot of jobs for poeple.
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