Sys: cpu ryzen1600x , mb:AX370 gaming 5 , 2x gtx9704g, ram 2x8gb 8pack dark pro 3200mhz,
1x ssd 1x hdd , psu corsair xh1200i
In short today after playing around ram trimings after cpu stock 3.6ghz at auto vcore soc 1.05v dram 1.35v rest on auto LLC and VLC set on standard so after a bsod cased by test restart sys entering in bios and when decided to finish for today just pick my xmp 3200mhz and do save set restart to pc didnt boot even to show bios... just remain switch on all leds all fans runing but no boot no post even didnt blinking from ssd led so just preset again restart and same wtf... well the only think that's telling me there is some wrong is led display at bottom with 4 leds so after any press on restart its come up checks for second light ram then change to cpu light and remain with code 54 in manual is write " Memory initialization error "
So board is like brick now but not suare is it really a mobo or dram sticks are dead or cpu .... also no aignal of gpus they just light and spin there fans... trying already cmos clear resiting components etc... same issue... backup bios same just is like there make a this sound for trying boot but remain with same code 54 at end.
Is there a way to understand is really some hardware is dead or have dome other solutions at this....
Sys: cpu ryzen1600x , mb:AX370 gaming 5 , 2x gtx9704g, ram 2x8gb 8pack dark pro 3200mhz,
1x ssd 1x hdd , psu corsair xh1200i
In short today after playing around ram trimings after cpu stock 3.6ghz at auto vcore soc 1.05v dram 1.35v rest on auto LLC and VLC set on standard so after a bsod cased by test restart sys entering in bios and when decided to finish for today just pick my xmp 3200mhz and do save set restart to pc didnt boot even to show bios... just remain switch on all leds all fans runing but no boot no post even didnt blinking from ssd led so just preset again restart and same wtf... well the only think that's telling me there is some wrong is led display at bottom with 4 leds so after any press on restart its come up checks for second light ram then change to cpu light and remain with code 54 in manual is write " Memory initialization error "
So board is like brick now but not suare is it really a mobo or dram sticks are dead or cpu .... also no aignal of gpus they just light and spin there fans... trying already cmos clear resiting components etc... same issue... backup bios same just is like there make a this sound for trying boot but remain with same code 54 at end.
Is there a way to understand is really some hardware is dead or have dome other solutions at this....