AX370 gaming 5 possible dead

29 Mar 2016

Sys: cpu ryzen1600x , mb:AX370 gaming 5 , 2x gtx9704g, ram 2x8gb 8pack dark pro 3200mhz,
1x ssd 1x hdd , psu corsair xh1200i
In short today after playing around ram trimings after cpu stock 3.6ghz at auto vcore soc 1.05v dram 1.35v rest on auto LLC and VLC set on standard so after a bsod cased by test restart sys entering in bios and when decided to finish for today just pick my xmp 3200mhz and do save set restart to pc didnt boot even to show bios... just remain switch on all leds all fans runing but no boot no post even didnt blinking from ssd led so just preset again restart and same wtf... well the only think that's telling me there is some wrong is led display at bottom with 4 leds so after any press on restart its come up checks for second light ram then change to cpu light and remain with code 54 in manual is write " Memory initialization error "
So board is like brick now but not suare is it really a mobo or dram sticks are dead or cpu .... also no aignal of gpus they just light and spin there fans... trying already cmos clear resiting components etc... same issue... backup bios same just is like there make a this sound for trying boot but remain with same code 54 at end.
Is there a way to understand is really some hardware is dead or have dome other solutions at this....
Not sure if you've mentioned it in that wall of text :p but did you try clearing cmos?

Edit: also the gaming 5 has a dual bios. Switch to the other one and try.
Already try it clearing CMos , dual bios and give same result no boot no bios ....
Cannot boot no post ....if some one know way how to found exactly what isnt work will be good start..
This video is not mine but my mb do exactly same
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No work with 1 stick swap slots , gpus swap just 1 gpu always same no boot nothing just power on leds on board leds on fans on and small display thath shows codes also ssd was a primary drive windows 10 but also didnt blinking for second so again at manual says code 54 is Memory initialization error. Error come like this way turning on blinking led RAM then go off led and staying led on at cpu showing 54
Yeah is same just in my case led-on is remaim at cpu with same code 54 ram led flash 2-3 times for about 1sec duration at power on ... so after all gonna need new board is it?
Could RMA it and see, but I would try a couple of other things first before doing that. Have you tried reseating the CPU? Stripped everything down to the bare basics? Got another RAM kit to test with?
Unfortunately dont have another ram to test ...otherwise yesterday almosy whole day trying different solutions almost everything what i can found about in network and no result so about a memory dont belive is it problem even if is boths sticks to failure is sound like to hit jackpot and also have trying with out ram boot in practi only think that i dont have do is to take out mb of chassi... and now when back will give a trying this from morning battery is out and unplugged from socket so just gonna make short at battery holder and will try boot with out ram and with out battery so will see after 40mins ....
Btw how is working rma need to contact to gigabyte aorus or to shop of which is bought also i think still keep receipt mb is around half year old...
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After new set of trying again no luck its remain same now just after battery was whole day out unplug remain to this position no stuck of code but still no post....
Well tomorow gonna start work on rma so do i need to write first to customers support at gigabyte pasport or ... for first time i have dead mb....
your meant to go through reseller , as if board is completely dead Gigabte tell reseller to issues another one and they'll cover it - so its all on file/record , though you can go straight to gigabyte, member have done that here but in more extreme cases.
If reseller is taking its time, then the power of the rep @GIGA-Man comes into play as they can see whats happening - most cases its about 5 day turn around and most delays are actual reseller taking their time doing own tests and then sending on wards to Gigabyte in South England.
If the board was from OCUK, def send it in to them as their Customer service is first class :)
As above, contact the reseller, it was what I did with my K7. Main reason why I bought it from OcUK as well as previous RMA experience has always been good and fast.
I just received email from support team and they tell me to contact with them for rma so just will write to them again and what should wait for instructions where to send board or i could even go to there office if it working at Saturday/tommorow..
I saw your post Orcvader and there is a guy who assist you but can't contact with him... in worst case im gonna need traveling to Manchester aria pc

Sys: cpu ryzen1600x , mb:AX370 gaming 5 , 2x gtx9704g, ram 2x8gb 8pack dark pro 3200mhz,
1x ssd 1x hdd , psu corsair xh1200i
In short today after playing around ram trimings after cpu stock 3.6ghz at auto vcore soc 1.05v dram 1.35v rest on auto LLC and VLC set on standard so after a bsod cased by test restart sys entering in bios and when decided to finish for today just pick my xmp 3200mhz and do save set restart to pc didnt boot even to show bios... just remain switch on all leds all fans runing but no boot no post even didnt blinking from ssd led so just preset again restart and same wtf... well the only think that's telling me there is some wrong is led display at bottom with 4 leds so after any press on restart its come up checks for second light ram then change to cpu light and remain with code 54 in manual is write " Memory initialization error "
So board is like brick now but not suare is it really a mobo or dram sticks are dead or cpu .... also no aignal of gpus they just light and spin there fans... trying already cmos clear resiting components etc... same issue... backup bios same just is like there make a this sound for trying boot but remain with same code 54 at end.
Is there a way to understand is really some hardware is dead or have dome other solutions at this....

That has happened to me 2 times in the past, It's a corrupted main BIOS,
need to use "back up bios" & boot into bios screen then switch back to main bios so the orange LED on main & re-flash with latest bios,

So far with the F22b I had no more corrupted BIOS
Recorded a Video clip on MY mobile of the Corrupted Main Bios,
Just powers up & can't enter bios menu & circles on the Debug & swaps leds from CPU to RAM all the time.

I have seen posts with people got both Bios Corrupted, that is an RMA
Or if you cant flash the bios due to no USB Stick then send it back
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That has happened to me 2 times in the past, It's a corrupted main bios,
need to use "back up bios" & boot into bios screen then switch back to main bios so the orange LED on main & reflash with latest

can't remember off the top of my head but to trigger back up bios its holding down power button for 10-15 seconds to start pc up ?
Yep the dips switches are Bottom Left of the board under the last PCI-E slot

First DIP switch swaps from Main to Back UP
one under that it to set to single or dual Bios Mode

What I did when main bios corrupted was Using back bios to download the latest bios to Desktop then unzip bios to the folder then place on USB STICK,
then restart the pc with the stick in a USB Port front or back on I/O,
enter bios then Flip the top Dipswitch so the Orange LED went to Main Bios nearest to Memory slot or CPU socket to the right then Flash it, that's it, working main bios again.

But like I said some People Had both bios corrupted,
This may have happened if the bottom dipswitch is set to dual bios mode
Affecting both bios at the same time,
Corruption More likely to happen if you play around with settings of the Memory & CPU OC
But maybe fixed in the latest bios, Happened to me with F20 bios
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the gaming 5 has a couple of dip switches down towards the bottom left. it's just a matter of flicking one or other of them over.

ah, i thought there was quick way to boot into second bios by holding down power switch for 10-20sec
1. Shut off the power supply using the switch on the back of the PSU, wait 10-15 seconds.
2. Press and hold the case Power On swtich, then while still holding turn on the power supply from the switch on the rear.
3. Still holding the case power on switch, the board will start, once it does release the case power on switch and shut off the power supply via the switch on the read of the unit. (Do the latter two parts as quickly as you can once the board starts)
4. The board will shut down.
5. Turn the power supply back on using the switch on the rear of the unit.
6. Turn on the motherboard by pressing the case power on button.
Method #1:
1. Shut your PC down (if you're reading this guide, than your PC isn't working anyways)
2. Hold the power button until the PC starts and shuts down again
3. Press the power button again, your backup BIOS should kick in now and should re-flash the main BIOS if there's anything wrong with it.

Method #2:
1. Shut your PC down
2. Hold the power AND the reset button for about 10 sec, than release.
3. Backup BIOS should kick in anytime soon now.
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