AX370 gaming 5 possible dead

After take my board back at which way to go 1st to install windows 10 and then last bios f22 or could update bios then go installing windows...and the problem with amd achi driver's is still same install during windows installation?
Ok so already have usb with win10 but there was some kind of problem before even in bios to be sellect achi after installing os and going to device manager at controller its was called "microsoft achi standard" and was required manually install of amd achi controller ...but at least im 100% sure there was some problem that required manual install updates drivers...just don't remember how its needed to do it.
Yep you have to install them yourself & later on AMD bring out a new pack that update the older installed pack each time

Onboard sound drivers from gigabyte
install the Realtek HD Audio Driver [PG454] First
then install
Creative SB X-Fi driver [1.0.19]

LAN Driver, use the bottom Intel port on the back of the I/O
& you can upgrade the driver from
Gigabyte Intel driver is very old
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Apologies for reviving such an old thread but I have just encountered the same problem. RAM is fine, works on other PC.

Switching BIOS made no difference.

Tried forcing emergency boot of updated BIOS from USB, not working.

DRAM led is illuminated so consistant with the 54 error on the LED.

Swapped mobo as luckily had a spare AM4 board and all components working.
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