AX370 gaming 5 possible dead

Orbital, Did not try that way, I found out by My own the dipswitch way, then found out on the Gigabyte USA Forum the DIPSWITCH is one of the ways to force to Backup :)
Been a lot of People with the corrupted Bios on the Gigabyte Forum includes me

Gigabyte AM4 Motherboards Trouble

Soft Brick
Corrupted Bios 1 or both
Soundblaster Z : Motherboard Hardware Fault, this affects a lot of the AM4 Gigabyte Range

I have been having a nightmare with the Soundblaster Z then that Corrupted Main Bios
Now sticking with the ONBoard Sound with X-FI MB 5 Suit It is Great & not far off from the sound quality of the Soundblaster Z, But missing the (ASIO) support & Dolby digital live & DTS Connect
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yeah, seems on board has come leaps and bounds... IF the X470 Aorus 7 has the same audio set up as Z370 version. then only board that can match it is X399 Zenith
and included the Digital port but not DD Live- seems Gigabyte doesn't have licence for that

If you manage to somehow have both BIOS corrupted, can send to gigabyte to be repaired :D
Yep that be a trip to the Gigabyte :(
I Had the bottom of the 2 DIPSWITCHs in single Bios Mode
so due to that, it might be why I only had the main bios Corrupted
I might try that. Currently have it in dual BIOS mode but that's because it actually saved me on my previous Sandy Bridge build, main BIOS randomly got corrupted and the board instantly booted into the backup BIOS and cloned itself over to the main one. It was from this experience I thought it would be fine leaving it in dual BIOS mode :p.
Well Orcvader Lets face it we are talking about the AM4 Ryzen PLatform for the new CPU's & Having to have updates to support memory kits so forth
Anything can happen, let's hope they make it a good release on the X400 Series of Ryzen Motherboards coming in April.

Lucky the first Ryzen Motherboards did not have a built-in speech, God knows what we would hear
Back lol
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intel motherboards now matured over the years Like from Skylake to Kaby lake to Coffee lake Range got better & bugs taken out & more features added
Ryzen still in its first Gen with motherboards
No worries

And could you Imagen if zen+ being the 'first' ryzen product.. would have really hand Intel put in a box 'no coffeelake at time) :D
Zen2 should be good Vs 8 core Intel mainstream (need that 7nm) :D
Already as i saying have try everything that i could found in network for bios restoration... so for me no luck its nvm what gonna switch to main or second noting is work :( gonna try now this with usb but just for self cannot explain how gonna working this method..its sound like redirection..but will try it now.
Yep also this with holding power button already give trying ( its work like this pc is Off push on and hold it its take around 6-10secons to turn self off then pres again to go on /also this when is started just press resett button hold it for 10sec and bios reset to default)
The only method that i do not even thinks to do is with manual remove bios chip or what ever was called and this with shorting same bios chip pin 1 and 6 this for me 100% warranty throw in bin... or even realy to work should be make it of some one who really know what exactly doing...
Again about this with usb , from day 1 i have start use this board never have been moved bios switches to position 2 till day before yesterday...
Also most of codes thats are shown at red display they are like regulars codes for normal work of mb this should mean cpu its trying yo communicate with ram or im wrong also some of codes are starting proces of North bridge etc.... the problem is this code A9 which mean Bios is starting dont exist like someting is deleted this comand so pc just cycle in one place buy following comands and when come to bios start and didnt find it going again ( this is what showing display for me )
Not bc im disappointed with 370 or what ever else boards to be its nvm just set volume at 10% and compare sound and quality with sound card i am also have SB Z and even get trouble with disapire sound and disapire from device manager after pc go sleep ... again preferred to use it U have there Dollby digital 5.1 and DTS 5.1 even use spidf out like me connect to bd cinema, pluse a bit trick but dont know is exactly work for sound blaster z just enter in regedit look for SB folder and where is this WhatUHear is set to 2 - two chanels so just change value to 6 ;)
Just back of work shower and give a last trying at this with usb so stay tuned :p
@Ivo_b If you Can't get the motherboard to boot then Contact OCUK
Send a Webnote or Phone OCUK +44 (0)1782 44 44 55
for RMA they pass it on to Gigabyte.
Thanks m8 already contact with dealer of wherea bought it , and need to receive confirmation to send them... i hope to receive one monday probably...
In case i dont receive confirmation to sending for rma what options left me ( dont want write dealer name bc is not bought from ocuk )
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Thanks m8 already contact with dealer of wherea bought it , and need to receive confirmation to send them... i hope to receive one monday probably...
In case i dont receive confirmation to sending for rma what options left me ( dont want write dealer name bc is not bought from ocuk )

should be able to enlist the help of Forum rep @GIGA-Man if it goes in loops with reseller or its taking a while for RMA- believe once it reaches Gigabyte should take long- its just getting it to them, and from Gigabyte sending it back, getting it back from reseller
Well i have also expect giga-man to give a hand here but maby bc he working wirh ocuk... however already send it for rma at monday 19.03 ... and now waiting for news tracking number showing me they have received at next day and name and sign of person, but im not happy with that they didn't send anything confirmation as they are received .. maby too busy dont know..
But definitely maximum at tuesday will looking to contact them this are gonna be almost 5 working days so will see...
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