Axe wielding man in Croydon Purley Tesco Extra

I don't normally post these kind of threads but as this Tesco is 2 miles from my house and I frequent it quite often it kind of hits home a bit too close for comfort.

They haven't caught him yet but I suspect mental health issues - seems since the government's cut on mental health all sorts of ill people are roaming the streets now

Not sure what I would have done in the situation - I hope I would have kept my cool, lurked around and John Rambo'd his ass from behind (not in that way)

Probably just looking for the plants section to practice his jungle clearing skills. But in all seriousness it must have been terrifying if you'd just popped in for some tea bags, what a state the UK is in...
Having had lived in the 'Cronx' for over 30 years it's not as bad as people make it out. Had I the choice I would have stayed in the Thornton Heath/Norbury area.
I lived in and around croydon for about 24 years and it's a dive, thornton heath and norbury are awful too why would anybody want to stay there?!
I got offered a job in Croydon about 8 years ago. I turned it down because of what the area was like when I went to the interview. They obviously had trouble getting anyone because they came back three times with a higher offer. I still turned it down.
Having had lived in the 'Cronx' for over 30 years it's not as bad as people make it out. Had I the choice I would have stayed in the Thornton Heath/Norbury area.

Thornton Heath and Norbury are both horrible places, Thoronton Heath being one of the most depressing places I've ever had the misfortune of driving through.

Croydon is also a dump, can't stand the place. It's also where the locals decided to ruin their own living area in 2011 following the Mark Duggan stuff.

Anyway. Something amusing before the usual brexit / politics / racism / whatever suspects turn up to turn this in to a 25 page back and forth where nobody achieves anything for a few days only for it to be locked:
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