I'd ask you to point out where any of us hippies said he shouldn't be punished, but as none of us said that, I won't ask you to do the impossible.
You're right. THe TERRIBLE punishment he'll receive in prison will be just appauling. The poor lamb will only have 3 square meals a day, a roof over his head, a bed to sleep in, clothes washed for him, tucked up in his own little en suite room. It will be a nightmare I'm sure compared to the squalor he has probably lived in.
He'll be able to get his hands on recreational drugs and if he keeps his mouth shut, he'll get an XBox 360 or a PS3 to go with his plasma TV. Better yet, if he doesn't get them, some human rights lawyer will get them for him, just like some of the whack-jobs in Broadmoor et al that are allowed hard core porn to beat on off over.
In the meantime, those of us who are paying tax into the system, those people who deserve the rewards society can offer have to pick and choose what they can afford.
Sure, we can wander around outside, but this scumbag won't have worked a serious day in his life and the only way he would have had half of the luxuries he's got inside would have been by stealing them from Cash Converters. Walking isn't going to be one of his hobbies now is it? "Darling, shall we take a stroll through the Brecon Beacons this fine afternoon? Maybe I can paint a watercolour of the scenic views or swoon at the beautiful sunset...Or will that mean I won't be back home in time to snap the baby's spine?".
He won't miss driving because he'll not have done that (legally) or holidays abroad. He won't miss going for a beer with his mates as a psycho like that will have very few, if any. He won't miss his scruffy council bedsit as he'll be in a nice prison. He'll be allowed to light a fag, even though he is indoors. I don't smoke yet he can do something I cannot as he's a baby murderer.
So you say
I'd ask you to point out where any of us hippies said he shouldn't be punished, but as none of us said that...
Where is this man's punishment? If raising the standard of his pathetic existence is punishment, what hope is left?