Nice assumptions you're making there.
Wow, looks LOVELY. And it's in South Doncaster, where do I sign???
Quit your whining and write to your MP if you think it's too easy for them.
Hmm, I live in Hartlepool. Firstly, we used to have Mandy. We now have another Blairite idiot who made his money in taxis. Unfortunate but if I was the Labour candidate, I'd win. Add to that the previous incument of no 10's wife just happened to be a human rights lawyer who made her money making sure that government policy made her retirement fund grow fat, regardless of the consequences and we are now in a situation where it going to change jack. Are you telling me it's hard in prison. Of course it is love....
You got what you paid for from who you voted for and who you lobbied. Write to them if you're unhappy. Besides, him and plenty of other people are behind bars. That's got to be worth something. I didn't. The guy I voted for didn't get in. And let's think why. Who is in all day and has the chance to sloth down to the polling station...the guy who is working or the dole moochers? The people who I vote for are not in power. THose in power have systematically increased the easy ride mentality and helped proliferate this compensation culture where prisons dare not question the prisoners rights to do wha they want.
Stop making assumptions about the killer. You don't know a thing about him you classist pillock.
Again, what a lovely 'des res' he was living in. House prices at a magnificent £79k, less than half the national average. Attractively situated on the junction between the M18 and the A1M, the Home Office take on Edlington is as follows:
Of course 'things have changed...'
He was expelled from school. His teacher at the time said, and I quote:
This boy will commit a murder before too long.
"I've never seen a such a disturbed young man."
Then we have the article in The Sun from which we get the fact he admitted smoking weed whilst looking after her. He takes drugs:
The Sun said:He said he had taken her downstairs, smoked some cannabis while cradling her until they both fell asleep. He woke up the next morning and realised there was something wrong.
Then we can use what is called an 'educated guess'. He was expelled from school, so education is going to be limited. There is not a single mention in any story about him having any form of employment. If he was unemployed, he couldn't afford to go away etc. He lives in a poor area. Yes I am making assumptions, but they are better and more grounded than the assumtions You are making about me!
You can't smoke in your own home? I find that hard to believe. Again, I note the wild assumptions you're making about his driving license, his holiday habits, and his circle of friends.
You don't know the first thing about his existence besides the fact that he brutally killed a baby. You are the proverbial assuming ass.
I can't smoke in an enclosed public place. He can. Again, making suppositions, there is simply no mention in any press coverage of any friends as character witnesses, any employers, any form of gainful employment. Nothing. The papers will report anything they possibly can, there simply isn't any mention of that and as said previously, you can't go on holiday with no money!
I know that he systematically killed a baby that could not defend herself. Over an extended period of time. I know he is violent from themedia coverage and I know that at least one former teacher stated that this child would kll. I know he takes drugs. I can see what a scruffy looking house he has in a less than ideal area. I know he showed no remorse and I know that this is simply not normal - the man is not reacting as he should on an emotional level. Add to that he chose a girlfried who is in the bottom 1% of intelligence and "completely dominated her", all of this points to specific personality disorders and issues which would make the forming for normal human relationships very difficult if not impossible.
Finally, if I knew nothing else, I would know in every fibre of my being that this man has done something so evil, he should never see the light of day again and should NEVER be rewarded in the slightest for his crime. Do you you disagree?
wordy said:Wow.
I'm suprised you could actually see his post from the altitude of that high horse you are on.
Spot on!