Baby, that was intense, meet my new son!

Congrats. Best feeling in the world.

My wee boy was 10lb :S bit of an ouchies lol.....mind you I didn't feel a thing :D
WP and glad all are well, my first was emergency c-section. Looks like you'll be man in charge for a few days, unless the hordes of family descend and take over.
Congrats, glad everyone is ok :). My niece was born by emergency c-section, so I kinda know what you went through.

I was sat there clock watching for 3minutes 45seconds (yes I counted) while they were getting my boy to breathe :(:eek:, I swear I could feel myself falling over and I was sat down, and no one says anything but you know by the way everone in the room keeps glancing over to where he is that they are having to do something. Then I heared him cry :D:D:D:D:D and you see people smiling so you its good, they brought him round for a minute after they got him stable so we could see him and then took him to be checked out and weighed in special care room.

Then I was there watching his mums blood pressure drop while I held her hand that, then she passed out, I looked over and an extra doc came in to help stop her bleeding, could actually see little jets squirt up now and then as they were working. All you can do is watch the doctors faces as they work. They got her pressure back up after 2 bags of fluid and god knows how many injections and she just came back round like a light being switched on :eek::D.

Think im burned out today though, every five minutes ive got some kind of liquid running down from the corners of my eyes :confused:
Congratulations mate!!

In this instance, my condolences only to your wallet and not your wife's vagina. The C-Section saved that one!
Congrats, good to hear that everything is fine now. One of my friends went through a similar drama with her little boy last year, the cord was round his neck and stomach! He's perfectly healthy now at 10 months old :).
Times like this make me realise why I donate blood.
Glad your wife is ok, and hurrah for all the doctors/nurses who saved the pair of them.
Congratulations. Now you can bore people to death exclaiming that your child is the most beautiful, intelligent baby you have ever seen. Although to be fair when people start waxing lyrical about their wonderful children it's nice to share in their happiness.
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