Baby wont feed from a bottle - Help !

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
My daughter is now 4 and a half months old.

She has been exclusively breast fed and now we need her to start taking a bottle as in a couple of months she will have to go to day care where she will have to be fed by bottle.

We have tried with expressed milk (so it tastes the same)

We have tried a variety of teats

She has a fit whenever we try. Do any of the parents here have any ideas we can try....

In all other respects she is lovely - sleeps 11 hours a night, smiles pretty well non-stop, just won't feed from a bottle !

Cheers !
I remember Jody posting a link to a baby forum a while ago, we do have quite a few new parents here, but you should be able to get more answers there. In any way, good luck :D
believe it or not good old mustard makes an appearance. Hope it doesn't give the mrs a hairy nipple tho :eek:

Taken from another forum:

My daughter is 15 months old, and was having no desire to give up nursing any time soon. If I refused to let her feed she would be upset with me, so I decided I would let her decide she didn't want it anymore with a little trick. I rubbed a little yellow mustard on my nipple when she was wanting to nurse. She tasted it and turned away, then tried again and turned away. Then she just got down and decided to drink her milk from her cup or have a different snack. This weaned her almost immediately with no temper tantrum because she decided she didn't like how it tasted anymore. Because I was letting her try each time she wanted, I wasn't keeping it from her, so she was not upset at all. She feels it was her choice.

I suspect yours will be too young for this. I'm not a parent so can't really help :confused:
A friend in work was having this problem, he spoke to a few mums in work and they suggested missing out a feed so when they tried with the bottle the little one was so hungry she wouldn't refuse !

Worked a treat :)

When we have kiddies I plan on expressing milk so that the baby doesn't get tied to my boobies !
Hi Hodders,

Your daughter is old enough to start drinking from a cup now, It's recommended that you get your child off a bottle as quick as you can, as it's bad for the teeth when they start coming through (about now!) So my advice is to not even bother with the bottle!

If your set on going to the bottle rather than straight to a cup, then make sure the mother is nowhere to be seen otherwise you have no chance. when feeding from a bottle try lying the baby in the same possition as when breast feeding, for example we used to lye my son on a pillow on his side, but he was very fussy and didn't very often take the bottle at all (i'm pleased now as he went straight to cup and i don't have to wean from bottle to cup)

At the end of the day if your baby is hungry (have you started solids yet?) or thirsty she will take the bottle, but if she knows mummy is about she'll scream and spit it out until she gets mummy.

Have you tried different brands of formula? maybe the one your using doesn't taste quite right and another may be different, or even the fact that it's cows milk formula, maybe try a soya based one (SMA do a soya formula)

My son is 10 months now and he still wont drink formula, it makes him heave - i've tried all the cows milk formulas. Since he has been on solids his milk feeding had gradually reduced to just first thing in the morning and last thing at night, he has now started refusing the breast on occasions in the morning and somtimes like tonight before bed, but he drinks plenty of fluids and is on solids so i'm not worried about it.
4 1/2 month

maybe a bit young to be too concerned

try some solids as suggested, might help. but we were lucky with our 2 (expressed then straight onto bottle

btw it gets worse i've got one at 2 yrs and one 9 month :) good lucl
Piggymon said:
A friend in work was having this problem, he spoke to a few mums in work and they suggested missing out a feed so when they tried with the bottle the little one was so hungry she wouldn't refuse !

Worked a treat :)

Just reading Piggymons post (posted while i wrote war and peace) this could be another part of it, a lot of breast fed babies suckle for comfort which can be confused for feeding and therefore, she may not actually be hungry when you try with the bottle.

How often is she breast fed at the moment?
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