Baby wont feed from a bottle - Help !

Chronos-X said:
Its like a cat that wont eat 10p smartprice cat food - give it time and it will :)


Dont count on it.... they will prob try and eat YOU first. I swear that stuff is only meat FLAVOUR.... no meat at all even goes near it.
Parents that feed their babies formula should be shot imo.

The wife and I have been observing other babies in our nursing group. From birth to about 6 months. All the babies that changed to formula during this time have become fat-headed and lethargic. I feel sorry for these babies fed formula, normaly because of the parents own selfish reason's.

Breast milk is best parents!

Also solids are good, wizz up some nice fresh veg or fruit ;) - but only if your baby is ready for it.
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Xee said:
Parents that feed their babies formula should be shot imo.

The wife and I have been observing other babies in our nursing group. From birth to about 6 months. All the babies that changed to formula during this time have become fat-headed and lethargic. I feel sorry for these babies fed formula, normaly because of the parents own selfish reason's.

Breast milk is best parents!

Also solids are good, wizz up some nice fresh veg or fruit ;) - but only if your baby is ready for it.

Awful isn't it! Imagine having to go back to work and earn a living without leaking breast milk all over the desk or heaving around massive, painful, leaking boobs all day - how selfish some people are! I suspect if men had to breast feed there would be a lot less of the 'breast is best' stuff going around...:p
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Xee said:
Parents that feed their babies formula should be shot imo.

The wife and I have been observing other babies in our nursing group. From birth to about 6 months. All the babies that changed to formula during this time have become fat-headed and lethargic. I feel sorry for these babies fed formula, normaly because of the parents own selfish reason's.

Breast milk is best parents!

Also solids are good, wizz up some nice fresh veg or fruit ;) - but only if your baby is ready for it.

I suppose you'd better shoot my mate then who tried her hardest to get her baby on breast but he just wouldn't latch on - you'd better shoot her then because her son has to go to nursery from a young age because even though she is a single mum and struggling she is too proud to go onto benefits

yeah , she's selfish :rolleyes:
Xee said:
Parents that feed their babies formula should be shot imo.

The wife and I have been observing other babies in our nursing group. From birth to about 6 months. All the babies that changed to formula during this time have become fat-headed and lethargic. I feel sorry for these babies fed formula, normaly because of the parents own selfish reason's.

Breast milk is best parents!

Also solids are good, wizz up some nice fresh veg or fruit ;) - but only if your baby is ready for it.

Shoot me too, who has 3 fit healthy young girls none of whom went anywhere near my boobs. :rolleyes:
Use a combitnation of tit and bottle feeding, then gradually use the bottle more untill the breast feeding is gone :o
Xee said:
Parents that feed their babies formula should be shot imo.

The wife and I have been observing other babies in our nursing group. From birth to about 6 months. All the babies that changed to formula during this time have become fat-headed and lethargic. I feel sorry for these babies fed formula, normaly because of the parents own selfish reason's.

Breast milk is best parents!

Also solids are good, wizz up some nice fresh veg or fruit ;) - but only if your baby is ready for it.
That's the most thoughtless post I've seen in months. Well done you!
Tbh breast milk is supposedly a lot more healthier than formula milk but then some people say formula is better.

Anyways im not a parent but what i can say is that my niece was born by c section and because of that my sis in law couldnt breastfeed her at all, as her stitches caused her too much discomfort so in the end my niece was fed on formula...same thing with my nephew, again he was born by c section and again my sis in law couldnt breast feed even though she tried with both her kids once her stitches had healed.
But both of them are fit and as healthy as a fiddle :)
Its your choice after all. Do some research on Google, about formula vs breatfeeding. Dont get me wrong Im not saying giving formula to your baby is evil or anything :p , but breastfeed where possible.

Formula bottlefeeding, the grandaddy of all junk food.

The fomula bottlefed human baby is substantially more likely to suffer a whole nightmare of illnesses: diarrhea, colic, gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, meningitis, asthma, hives, other allergies, pneumonia, eczema, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, dermatitis, growth retardation, hypocalcemic tetany, neonatal hypothyroidism, necrotizing enterocolitis, and sudden infant death syndrome. From a scientific, biological standpoint, formula feeding cannot be considered an acceptable alternative to breastfeeding, especially since more than ninety-nine percent of new mothers are perfectly capable of doing it.

...breastfeeding will help protect the mothers themselves from cancer of the breast.

Breastfeeding is better for the family too. The bond between a mother and her child is secure and healthy when the mother breastfeeds. Not only does the sucking of the infant stimulate hormones that reduce postnatal bleeding and discomfort and cause the uterus to shrink back sooner, but it also gives the mother sensual pleasure as well. Bottlefeeding, however, gives the mother no such pleasure.

Still pro formula?
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Xee said:
Parents that feed their babies formula should be shot imo.

The wife and I have been observing other babies in our nursing group. From birth to about 6 months. All the babies that changed to formula during this time have become fat-headed and lethargic. I feel sorry for these babies fed formula, normaly because of the parents own selfish reason's.

Breast milk is best parents!

Also solids are good, wizz up some nice fresh veg or fruit ;) - but only if your baby is ready for it.

She has had nothing but breast milk or the first 19 weeks and will get 90% breast until my wife goes back to work by which time she will be 6 months old and even the WHO agrees that formula/solid topped up with breast is fine.

I do agree with you that 100s of 1000s of years of evolution mean that breast milk is best, but not all mothers/babes are given the support needed to suceed. We were luck it all came very easily, but we know of plenty of mothers who had to use formula....

I do Like the drinking cup idea - we'll try that later !
It has long been accepted that breast milk is the better and I know all about the pros and very few cons. However, there are many mothers who for various reasons, are unable or unwilling to breast feed. Hense the alternative formula being available.

All five of mine were breast fed. Number five has recently gone on to formula for two main reasons. Firstly, maternity leave is not a holiday period that's paid for and so has to return to work and being that babies are not permitted in the work place, I must look after him. As hard as I try, I simply cannot express!! Secondly, we found that number four had developed eczema and that soy milk was the cure. Soy milk is available in powder form and here's a useful peice of information for you, it's free on prescription from the doc.
Xee said:
Its your choice after all. Do some research on Google, about formula vs breatfeeding. Dont get me wrong Im not saying giving formula to your baby is evil or anything :p , but breastfeed where possible.

Formula bottlefeeding, the grandaddy of all junk food.

The fomula bottlefed human baby is substantially more likely to suffer a whole nightmare of illnesses: diarrhea, colic, gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, meningitis, asthma, hives, other allergies, pneumonia, eczema, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, dermatitis, growth retardation, hypocalcemic tetany, neonatal hypothyroidism, necrotizing enterocolitis, and sudden infant death syndrome. From a scientific, biological standpoint, formula feeding cannot be considered an acceptable alternative to breastfeeding, especially since more than ninety-nine percent of new mothers are perfectly capable of doing it.

...breastfeeding will help protect the mothers themselves from cancer of the breast.

Breastfeeding is better for the family too. The bond between a mother and her child is secure and healthy when the mother breastfeeds. Not only does the sucking of the infant stimulate hormones that reduce postnatal bleeding and discomfort and cause the uterus to shrink back sooner, but it also gives the mother sensual pleasure as well. Bottlefeeding, however, gives the mother no such pleasure.

Still pro formula?

I didnt breastfeed because I didnt want to. Simple as. I also gave rugrat number one a dummy. And I hope you have social services on speeddial Xee, 'cause I also didn't sterilise the work-of-the-devil-shoot-me-at-dawn bottles for babies number 2 and 3. How they made it past 6 months old is an out an out miracle!

Oh, and 'cause you've really pushed my buttons on this, have another :rolleyes:
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Pebbles said:
I didnt breastfeed because I didnt want to. Simple as. I also gave rugrat number one a dummy. And I hope you have social services on speeddial Xee, 'cause I also didn't sterilise the work-of-the-devil-shoot-me-at-dawn bottles for babies number 2 and 3. How they made it past 6 months old is an out an out miracle!

Oh, and 'cause you've really pushed my buttons on this, have another :rolleyes:

Christ almighty get your knickers out of a twist, god some right hormonal women in here today:p.

Seriously if your happy with your decision to bottle feed rather than breast feed then good on you. Personally ill be happy with whatever my wife decides to do with our kids, if she wants them to breast feed then cool, if not then again cool.
Pebbles said:
I didnt breastfeed because I didnt want to. Simple as. I also gave rugrat number one a dummy. And I hope you have social services on speeddial Xee, 'cause I also didn't sterilise the work-of-the-devil-shoot-me-at-dawn bottles for babies number 2 and 3. How they made it past 6 months old is an out an out miracle!

Oh, and 'cause you've really pushed my buttons on this, have another :rolleyes:
If your attitude is directed at me, perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my last post. I was defending the actions of those who choose not to breast feed, such as YOU. As I stated all of ours were breast fed and all moved from breast to bottle after x months for various reasons. I am using formula now!
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