Back on the road

I failed my first mod 1 first time round for a very slight lock up on emergency stop.....only thing wrong too...damn examiner :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Must be down to the guy on the day....well done on your pass though :)
Just seen this! Congrats there matey!! Glad they let you pass with the wheel lock... I think as hlxbravo says it's a bit hit and miss with examiners on that! :D

It's a funny old module... I found it a million times more nerve wracking than the Mod 2!! I think it was because it's held in such a sterile environment... felt very unnatural! :)
Congrats! :)

I locked the rear wheel on the emergency stop too... passed, as i reapplied the brake almost instantly, and the bike didnt squirm or anything. Guess its down to the guy on the day though!
Thanks everyone! been a bit busy to reply so sorry for the delay.

The only thing i can say with the mod 1 is to relax, i know its easier said than done but its a huge site. as long as you happy with slow moving you'll be fine. just take deep breaths and think only of the task in hand.

also went for my Mod 2 yesturday......... FAILED!!!:mad:

Stupid me!!! 2 minutes into the test we were going through a bit of the road which changes spedd like 40mph - 50mph -40mph -30mph. I was worrried about mirror check etcs that I missed the last one and only relalised when I saw houses & street lights...... oh and the tester disappering in my mirrors :rolleyes:

But i though what the heck, put it at the back of my mind and carried on, I think I also choose the worst time for a test as school had just been let out so there were hundreds of bikes on the town section! Had one swerve out at me but saw this & slowed to let him do his bit (the tester said I did well to see this!). also had a case of 2 kids in the middle of the road doing 10mph looking back at me & smilling, had to wait 30 secs before they moved out the way on to the other sides pavement!

Oh well, booked back in for 2 weeks time and at least I know I can pass with ease but just relax more and do what I would normally do!
Bad luck with the you say just put it out the way and carry on....there's a million and one things that could pop out on you at any time, or none at all, a lot of if being down to wrong place wrong time scenarios. I failed my mod2 first time with one of those scenarios attributing to it...mid February, low afternoon sun, going up a hill and I couldn't see for $#!+...ran wide round the corner, this coupled with a couple of other minors, well totted up my points tally. I put it down to one of those things, rrbooked test and got a 9.30ish time, was worried about the straggling moms on way home from school run but it was no problem, it actually can help to have a fair bit of traffic you can spend some of the alotted time sitting still in queues ;)
Well its getting closer now and next Wednesday just after 12 I'll be taking mod 2 again. This time I'm going to have to keep a eye out for speeed changes! Since I failed the wife has decided to shout at me in the car when I'm driving the car to slow down, oh well i guess i've learnt my lesson (a very expensive one at that!)
WOW I've got my MOD2 test on Wednesday as well... so, we'll be able to both say congrats :-)

Where's the picture of your SV650, it was on my short list!
Passed my MOD 2 today so it's down to you two now. :D
Don't forget to browse the Bike Meet Version 2 thread an all. :cool:
Passed my MOD 2 today so it's down to you two now. :D
Don't forget to browse the Bike Meet Version 2 thread an all. :cool:


Passed mine as well!! also just after the test I took the instructer as a pillion :eek: dam I had forgotten how much it affects the bike! nice ride though and as I said to him I was glad not not hear him speaking while riding!

So 2 down one to go..........

will look at the bike meet soon
Congrats mate & Pughaven passed as well. OcUK l33t bikers pass First time. :D
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