Back to the gym after 9 years

Push A

DB Press
10kg 8
17.5kg 4
27.5kg 5/5/5/5/4

Seated DB Shoulder Press
10kg 5
17.5kg 8/8/8

Incline DB Press
17.5kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
6.25kg 10/10/10

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 12/12/12

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 12/12/12

Triceps Pushdowns ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
31.25kg 10/10/10 / 6kg 15/15/15

Overhead Triceps Extensions ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
17.5kg 12/12/12 / 6kg 10/10/10
Pull B

Bar 8 - RDL
60kg 5
70kg 3
85kg 5/5/5

BW 4/3/3
BW 3/3/3
BW 3/3/3

Cable Pullovers
11.25kg 5
23.75kg 8/8/8

Seated Cable Rows
21.25kg 8
43.75kg 9/9/9/9

Face Pulls
18.75kg 8/8/8/8

DB Shrugs
27.5kg 10/10/10

BB Curls
20kg 10/10/10

Seated Incline Curls
8kg 10/10/10/10

Lat Pulldown
45kg 5
65kg 10/10/10 - last set was a drop set
55kg 8
45kg 8
35kg 8

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/10
Push B

DB Shoulder Press
10kg 5
15kg 3
25kg 4/3/3/3
22.5kg 5

Dumbbell Press
15kg 5
22.5kg 8/8/8

Decline Dumbbell Press
20kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
6.25kg 10/10/10

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 12/12/12

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 12/12/12

Triceps Pushdowns ss w/ Leaning Single Arm Lateral Raises
31.25kg 10/10/10 / 6kg 15/15/15

Overhead Triceps Extensions ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
17.5kg 12/12/12 / 6kg 10/10/10
Pull A

Bar 8
40kg 5
52.5kg 5/5/5/5/5

BW 4/3/3
BW 4/3/3
BW 3/3/3

Cable Pullovers
11.25kg 5
23.75kg 9/9/9

Seated Cable Rows
21.25kg 8
43.75kg 9/9/9/9

Face Pulls
18.75kg 8/8/8/8

DB Shrugs
27.5kg 11/11/11

BB Curls
20kg 10/10/10/10

Seated Incline Curls
8kg 8/8/8/8

Lat Pulldown
45kg 5
65kg 10/10/10 - last set was a drop set
55kg 10
45kg 8
35kg 10

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15
I'm supposed to be training legs tomorrow but I hurt my right leg/knee in the gym this morning while getting up off the floor (after doing seated rows) :(

I haven't trained legs for like two weeks but I guess it'll have to be a push day tomorrow.
Push A

DB Press
10kg 5
15kg 4
20kg 3
27.5kg 5/5/5/5/5

Seated DB Shoulder Press
10kg 5
17.5kg 9/8/7

Incline DB Press
17.5kg 8/8/7

Low Cable Fly
6.25kg 10/10/10

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 12/14/14

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

Triceps Pushdowns ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
31.25kg 11/11/11 / 7.5kg 8/8/8

Overhead Triceps Extensions ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
17.5kg 12/12/12 / 5kg 10/10/10

Weighed Cable Crunches
38.75kg 15/15/10
Pull B

Bar 8 - RDL
60kg 5
70kg 3
90kg 5/5/5

BW 4/3/3
BW 4/3/3
BW 3/3/3

Lat Pulldown
45kg 5
65kg 10/10/10

Cable Pullovers
11.25kg 5
23.75kg 9/9/9

Seated Cable Rows
21.25kg 8
43.75kg 9/9/9/9

Face Pulls
18.75kg 9/9/9/9

DB Shrugs
27.5kg 11/11/11

BB Curls
20kg 10/10/10/10

Cable Curls
18.75kg 8/8/8/8

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15

I need to get stronger, I want to switch to a strength program but I need to cut for 3 months or so to get rid of my last bit of fat. I don't know if I should bulk for another 4-6 weeks (tis bulking season :D) or get the cut out of the way first and get on a strength program asap.
Legs A

Bar 8
40kg 5
50kg 3
62.5kg 9/7/6 - limited by grip

Barbell Glute Bridges
62.5kg 11/11/11

Leg Press
75kg 8
130kg 12/12/12/12/12

Leg extensions
57.5kg 12/12/12

Leg curls
42.5kg 12/12/12

A short session this morning but it's better than nothing!
I need to get stronger, I want to switch to a strength program but I need to cut for 3 months or so to get rid of my last bit of fat. I don't know if I should bulk for another 4-6 weeks (tis bulking season :D) or get the cut out of the way first and get on a strength program asap.

Heavy lifts will get the heart going enough to burn fat - and abs are grown in the kitchen ...
Well I didn't necessarily want to do them both at the same time as I was running ICF (stronglifts with accessories) for 6 months while cutting and made almost no progress.

I've got to start my cut on 1st week of January so I might as well switch my routine too. I'll try a strength based program and I'll see how it goes.
Without a proper bulk, you'll forever be cutting. You probably don't have enough mass to look great when lean anyway. Bulk. Pile on the mass. Start cutting mid march. Get lean for summer with improved strength and mass.

Or keep doing a skinny man cutting cycle and never make gains.
Push B

DB Shoulder Press
10kg 5
17.5kg 3
25kg 4/4/1 - 2nd set went up easy but I struggled to get the weight up on the 3rd.
22.5kg 5/5/5

Dumbbell Press
15kg 5
22.5kg 9/7/8

Decline Dumbbell Press
20kg 9/9/9

Low Cable Fly
6.25kg 10/10/10

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

Triceps Pushdowns ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
31.25kg 10/10/10 / 7.5kg 10/10/10

Overhead Triceps Extensions ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
20kg 8/8/8 / 5kg 10/10/10
Pull A

Bar 8
40kg 5
52.5kg 5/5/5/5/5

BW 3/3/3
BW 4/3/2
BW 3/3/3

Cable Pullovers
11.25kg 5
23.75kg 9/9/9

Seated Cable Rows
21.25kg 8
43.75kg 9/10/10/9

Face Pulls
18.75kg 9/9/9/9

DB Shrugs
27.5kg 12/12/12

BB Curls
20kg 11/11/11/11

Seated Incline Curls
8kg 8/8/8/8

Lat Pulldown
45kg 5
65kg 10/10/10 - last set was a drop set
55kg 10
45kg 10
35kg 10
Push A

DB Press
10kg 5
17.5kg 4
22.5kg 3
30kg 3/3/3/3/3 - PB :D

Seated DB Shoulder Press
10kg 5
17.5kg 9/9/9

Incline DB Press
17.5kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
6.25kg 11/11/10

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

Triceps Pushdowns (rope) ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
21.25kg 12/12/12 / 7.5kg 10/10/10

Overhead Triceps Extensions ss w/ Single Arm Lateral Raises
22.5kg 8/8/8 / 6kg 10/10/10

Weighed Cable Crunches
38.75kg 15/15/15

Awesome session, my goal for a while has been to get the 30kg db's up for reps - I hit five triples :D

I've struggled with the 7th/8th reps of the 17.5kg db shoulder press over the last couple of weeks but they felt so light this morning. I had to check I was using the 17.5kg db's half way through the set :D

Merry Christmas all :cool:
After getting the kick up the **** I needed (thanks Monkee) I'm changing to strength program from tomorrow. I've been enjoying going to the gym six days a week which limited the amount of programs available.

I'm going to follow n-Sun's CAP3 which is a three week cyclical AMRAP progression program. It's based around 10 compound lifts which are split into five groups and there are loads of lifts to choose from.

I'm used to 5x5 for compounds but this program uses a number of rep ranges and weights so it might take a while to get used to.

It's going to look something like:

Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
DB Bench
DB Incline Bench
DB Decline Bench 3x8-12
High/Mid/Low cable flyes 3x8-12
BB Curls 4x8-12
Hammer Curls 4x8-12

Day 2 - Back, Abs & Triceps
Rack Pull
1 Arm DB Row
Pull ups 3x8-12
Cable Pullovers 3x8-12
Seated Cable Row 3x8-12
Triceps Pushdowns 3x8-12
Overhead Triceps Extensions 3x8-12
Weighed Cable Crunches 3x8-12
Captains Chair Crunches 3x8-12

Day 3 - Shoulders & Legs
High Bar Squat
Strict OHP
BB Glute Bridges 3x8-12
Leg Extensions 3x8-12
Hamstring Curls 3x8-12
Seated Leg Press 3x8-12
Lat Raises 6x8-12
Facepulls 3x8-12
Shrugs 3x8-12

Day 4 - Chest & Biceps
DB Bench
DB Incline Bench
DB Decline Bench 3x8-12
High/Mid/Low cable flyes 3x8-12
BB Curls 4x8-12
Hammer Curls 4x8-12

Day 6 - Back, Abs & Triceps
BB Row
Pull ups 3x8-12
Cable Pullovers 3x8-12
Seated Cable Row 3x8-12
Triceps Pushdowns 3x8-12
Overhead Triceps Extensions 3x8-12
Weighed Cable Crunches 3x8-12
Captains Chair Crunches 3x8-12

Day 7 - Shoulders & Legs
Front Squat
Seated DB Press
RDLs 3x8-12
BB Glute Bridges 3x8-12
Seated Leg Press 3x8-12
Lat Raises 6x8-12
Facepulls 3x8-12
Shrugs 3x8-12

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Lots of volume there! Fairly standard bb setup to my untrained eye - I like all the big movements in there, the RDLs (try a snatch trip for deep ROM and a free upper back workout) and skip the shrugs!!
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Lots of volume there! Fairly standard bb setup to my untrained eye - I like all the big movements in there, the RDLs (try a snatch trip for deep ROM and a free upper back workout) and skip the shrugs!!

Yeah I'll probably reduce the volume when the compounds get heavier. The accessories are pretty much what I've been doing on my PPLx2 routine. The difference is how the compounds are being trained.

Here's week one:


Completely different to the 5x5 that I'm used to.

I'll give the snatch grip a try cheers and what's wrong with shrugs?
Day 1 - Chest & Biceps

DB Bench
20kg 4/4/4/4
25kg 4/4
27.5kg 6

DB Incline Bench
15kg 15
12.5kg 15/13/11/11/11/11/9/9/9/11 - 1 minute rest between each

Mid Cable Fly
8.75kg 10/10/10

High Cable Fly
8.75kg 10/10/10

BB Curls
22.5kg 8/8/8/8

Hammer Curls
10kg 8/8/8/8

The incline db bench should have been repeated until I couldn't complete 3 reps but I don't think I should have been able to do 10 sets. I'll up the weight.
Day 2 - Back, Abs & Triceps

Rack Pull
60kg 5/5/5/5
65kg 4/4/4/4
70kg 4

1 Arm DB Row
15kg 15
12.5kg 15/12/10/9/9/8/9/9/9/9

BW 3/3/2/3/3

Cable Pullovers
23.75kg 10/10/10

Lat Pulldowns
65kg 11/11/11

Tricep Pushdowns w/ Rope
21.25kg 8/8/8

Overhead Tricep Extensions
20kg 9/9/9

Weighed Cable Crunches
38.75kg 15/15/15

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15

I need to adjust the weight for the rack pulls and 1 arm db row - it was too easy.
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