Back to the gym after 9 years

W3 D4 - Chest and Biceps

DB Bench Press
15kg 8/8/8/8
20kg 6/6
25kg 6

Incline DB Bench
17.5kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
3.75kg 13/13/13

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 13/13/13

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 13/13/13

Landmine Press
35kg 8/8/8

BB Curls
21kg 11/11/11

Hammer Curls
8kg 8/8/8
W3 D5 - Back, Abs & Triceps

70kg 5+/3/8+/3
75kg 5+/3/5+
80kg 5+

BB Row
40kg 10+
35kg 8/8/9/7 (EMOM)

Cable Pullovers
18.75kg 12/12/12

Lat Pulldowns
57.5kg 10/10/10

Tricep Pushdowns
21.25kg 10/10/10

Weighed Cable Crunches
36.25kg 15/15/15

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15
W1 D1 - Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
20kg 4/4/4/4
25kg 4/4
27.5kg 4+

DB Incline Bench
17.5kg 10+
15kg 10/8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
3.75kg 13/13/13

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 13/13/13

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 13/13/13

Landmine Press
35kg 10/10/10

BB Curls
21kg 12/12/12

Hammer Curls
8kg 9/9/9
W1 D2 - Back, Abs & Triceps

Sumo Deadlifts
60kg 5
67.5kg 5/5/5/5
75kg 4/4/4/4
77.5kg 4

Cable Row
41.25kg 15/15/15

Cable Pullovers
18.75kg 9/9/9

Lat Pulldowns
57.5kg 10/10/10

Tricep Pushdowns
21.75kg 8/8/8

Weighed Cable Crunches ss w/ crunches below
33.75kg 15/15/15

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15
Quick shoulder session.

35kg 5/5/5/5/5

Leaning Single Lat Raises
7.5kg 8/8/8

18.75kg 10/10/10/10

Finished with some cardio.
W1 D4 - Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
20kg 6/6/6/6/6
27.5kg 3 - I should have done 5 x 3 but my shoulders were dead from yesterday
25kg 5/5

DB Incline Bench
17.5kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
3.75kg 14/14/14

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 14/14/14

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 14/14/14

Landmine Press
35kg 10/10/10

BB Curls
23.5kg 8/8/8

Hammer Curls
8kg 9/9/9

Finished with some cardio.
W1 D5 - Back, Abs & Triceps

77.5kg 8

BB Row
40kg 12
35kg 10/10/10

Cable Pullovers
21.25kg 10/10/10

Lat Pulldowns
60kg 8/8/8

Tricep Pushdowns
21.75kg 10/10/10

Weighed Cable Crunches ss w/ crunches below
36.25kg 15/15/15

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15
W1 D6 - Shoulders and Legs

52.5kg 3/3/3/3
60kg 3/3/3

Seated Shoulder Press
20kg 5/6/6

50kg 9/9/9

Leaning Single Arm Lat Raises
7.5kg 8/8/8

Leg Extensions ss w/ Facepulls
70kg 10/10/10 / 18.75kg 9/9/9/9
Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
20kg 10/10/10

DB Incline Bench
17.5kg 7/7/7

Low Cable Fly
3.75kg 15/15/15

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 14/14/14

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 14/14/14

Landmine Press
35kg 10/10/10

BB Curls
23.5kg 9/9/9

Hammer Curls
8kg 9/9/9

I'm going to switch my routine again. I haven't enjoyed the powerlifting training style and prefer a bodybuilding approach. I'm going to continue most of the exercises but just work on increasing one rep each session as that's what has worked best for me in the past.
Back, Abs & Triceps

Sumo Deadlifts
70kg 5/5/5/5/5

Cable Row
45kg 15/15/15

Cable Pullovers
16.25kg 10/10/10

Lat Pulldowns
57.5kg 11/11/11

Tricep Pushdowns
21.75kg 9/9/9

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15
Shoulders and Legs

50kg 8/8/8

30kg 8/8/8

Leg Extensions ss w/ Leaning Single Arm Lat Raises
70kg 10/10/10 / 7.5kg 8/8/8

Hamstring Curls
50kg 10/10/10

Seated Calves ss w/ Facepulls
42.5kg 15/15/15 / 13.75kg 10/10/10/12

I've dropped the weight on the accessories to concentrate on getting a full stretch and squeeze on every rep.
I started a new job Monday and haven't had much time to go the gym. I went Wednesday but it was so busy I gave up after 3 exercises. I'm joining a gym near my new work so hopefully I'll be back to going 6 days a week soon.

Wednesday - Chest

DB Bench
20kg 11/11/11

DB Incline Bench
20kg 5/6/6

Pec Dec
55kg 10/10/10

Today - Back, Abs & Triceps

75kg 5/5/5

BB Row
50kg 5/5/5/5/5

Cable Pullovers
21.25kg 10/10/10

Lat Pulldowns
60kg 9/9/9

Tricep Pushdowns
21.75kg 10/10/10

Weighed Cable Crunches ss w/ crunches below
36.25kg 15/15/15

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15
Shoulders and Legs

52.5kg 6/6/6

Seated Shoulder press
17.5kg 10/10/10

Snatch RDLs
50kg 10/10/10

Lat Raises
6kg 10/10/10

Leg Extensions
60kg 10/10/10

Seated Calves
47.5kg 15/15/15

Facepulls (ss w/ leg extensions and calves)
18.75kg 10/10/10/10

Lots and lots of cardio.

I've been crap on my diet over the last couple of weeks. I need to get back on it and have a good couple of weeks. I need to lose about 10 lbs before I can bulk and finally get my numbers up.

Squats have been getting progressively worse since I've stopped front squatting so I'm going to be adding them back in :D
Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
20kg 12/12/12

DB Incline Bench
17.5kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
6.25kg 8/8/8

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

Landmine Press
35kg 10/10/10

BB Curls
21kg 8/8/8

Hammer Curls
8kg 10/10/10
First day at the new gym - it doesn't have a power/squat rack but it has some decent pulley machines that my normal gym doesn't have.

Back, Triceps and Abs

Lat pulldown
28kg 12/12/12

One Arm DB Rows
15kg 10/10/10/10/10

Cable Rows
40kg 10/10/10/10/10

Reverse flies
28kg 10/10/10

Tricep Pushdowns
20kg 8/8/8

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 10/10/10/10

Lat Pulldown
28kg 10/10/10

A proper lat pulldown machine is so much better than the crap my normal gym has. I felt my lats burning after the first exercise so finished off with them again :D

I did plan on starting with sumo deadlifts but I couldn't find an olympic bar - I noticed where they were kept as I was leaving so I'll be doing them next week.
Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
22.5kg 8/6/6

DB Incline Bench
17.5kg 8/6/7

Pec Dec
29kg 10/10/10/10

Landmine Press
40kg 10/10/10

High Cable Flies
8kg 10/10/10

Preacher Curls
17.5kg 10/10/10

DB Curls
7.5kg 10/10/10

Pretty crap session but my sleep has been awful this week so I guess it's to be expected.
Back, Abs & Triceps

75kg 5/5/5

50kg 5/5/5/5/5

Cable Row
43.75kg 10/10/10/10/10

Cable Pullovers
16.25kg 10/10/10

Lat Pulldowns
60kg 10/10/10

Tricep Pushdowns
21.75kg 9/9/9

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 15/15/15

I'll do some cardio later.
Shoulders and Legs

52.5kg 7/7/7

30kg 9/9/9

Snatch RDLs
52.5kg 8/8/8

Leg Extensions ss w/ Lat Raises
60kg 10/10/10 / 6kg 12/12/12

Seated Calves ss w/ Facepulls
50kg 12/12/12 / 18.75kg 10/10/10

Some cardio to finish.

Squats were terrible and they feel like they are getting worse. My weekday leg session in my new gym will be focused on front squats but the only place I can do them is in the smith machine - I'm hoping this doesn't remove the core stability aspect of the exercise.
Back, Triceps and Abs

Sumo Deadlifts
75kg 5/5/5/5/5

Cable Rows
45kg 8/8/8/8

Lat pulldown
28kg 10/10/10/10

Tricep Pushdowns
20kg 8/8/8

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 10/10/10/10/10/10

BW 1m/1m/1m
First go at sumo?

3rd or 4th I think but my right hip didn't feel too good after the last time I tried it. Yesterday I narrowed my stance a little and the weight flew up.

Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
22.5kg 8/8/6
17.5kg 10/10/10

DB Incline Bench
15kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
5kg 8/8/8

Mid Cable Fly
7.5kg 8/8/8

High Cable Fly
5kg 12/12/12

Preacher Curls
17.5kg 10/10/10

DB Curls
7.5kg 10/10/10
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