Back to the gym after 9 years

Cheers mate. I did feel a bit frustrated after the crappy chest session last week but like you said there's plenty of reasons for that. I know where I've gone wrong and have learnt from my mistakes.

I need to be consistent with my diet in general but more so to lose the final 10 lbs and then finally I can go on a nice long lean bulk and not go YOLO like I did before (without training hard enough).
Thanks mate.

Shoulders and Legs

Front Squats
40kg 5/5/5/5/5

Seated DB Shoulder Press
17.5kg 8/6/5 - my right shoulder didn't feel quite right and I didn't feel comfortable really grinding out the last few reps.
12.5kg 10/10/10

Laying Hamstring Curls
32kg 10/10/10

Lat Raises
7.5kg 8/8/8

Standing Calves
75kg 12/12/12

Leg Press
100kg 15/15/15
Back, Triceps and Abs

80kg 5/5/5/5/5

Cable Rows
45kg 8/8/8/8

Lat pulldown
28kg 10/10/10/8

Tricep Pushdowns
20kg 8/8/8

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 10/10/10/10/10/10

BW 1m/1m/1m
Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
22.5kg 8/8/8

DB Incline Bench
17.5kg 8/8/8

Low Cable Fly
6.25kg 8/8/8

Mid Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

High Cable Fly
6.25kg 15/15/15

EZ bar Curls
16kg 10/10/10

DB Curls
7.5kg 10/10/10

I know it's not shown in the progression of the weights but my chest days keep feeling better. I'm concentrating on stretching and squeezing every rep and it feels awesome :D
Shoulders and Legs

52.5kg 8/8/8

32.5kg 8/8/8

Snatch RDLs
52.5kg 8/8/8

Leg Extensions ss w/ Single Arm Leaning Lat Raises
65kg 10/10/10 / 7.5kg 8/8/8

Seated Calves ss w/ Facepulls
55kg 12/12/12 / 16.25kg 12/12/12/12

10 mins of HIIT to finish.

I concentrated on keeping my chest up this morning and squats felt so much better/easier. It's a cue I need to keep using.
I haven't had time to go the gym since Monday but made some time today :D

Back, Triceps and Abs

82.5kg 5/5/5/5/5

Cable Rows
45kg 9/9/9/9

Lat pulldown
28kg 10/10/8/8

Tricep Pushdowns
20kg 9/9/9

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 10/10/10/10/10/10

Deadlifts felt easy although my grip is starting to fail. I need to incorporate some grip training as that's what stopped me progressing with deadlifts in the past.
Or chalk - makes a big difference to me

I didn't think about chalk, cheers :D

Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
22.5kg 9/9/9

DB Incline Bench
17.5kg 9/9/9

Landmine Press
40kg 10/10/10

Pec dec
45kg 12/12/12

Preacher curls
Resistance machine 10/10/10

EZ bar Curls
21kg 10/10/10

Hmmer Curls
7.5kg 10/10/10

I enjoyed some cycling in the gym yesterday so I'll probably do some more later :D
Yeah I was going to go with that instead of actual chalk especially as a guy at my new gym gave me a row for deadlifting in socks :D He wouldn't be too pleased if I got chalk everywhere :D

Back, Triceps and Abs

Sumo Deadlifts
80kg 5/5/5/5/5

50kg 5/5/5/5/5

Cable Rows
45kg 10/10/10

Lat pulldown
28kg 10/10/10

Tricep Pushdowns
25kg 8/8/8

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 10/10/10

Not enough direct ab work but I'm happy with the back progress.
Chest and Biceps

DB Bench
20kg 12/12/12

Landmine Press
40kg 10/10/10

Mid Cable Fly
5kg 12/12/12

High Cable Fly
5kg 12/12/12

Preacher curls
15kg 12/12/12
10kg 21s/21s

DB Curls
7.5kg 10/10/10/10

The 22.5kg's were being used so I had to settle for 20kg. I did try the 25's but they felt so heavy - I hate cutting.
Back, Triceps and Abs

85kg 5/5/5

Cable Rows
46.25kg 8/8/8

60kg 8/8/8

Tricep Pushdowns
23.25kg 8/8/8

Captains Chair Crunches
BW 10/10/10/10/10

Weighed Crunches
36.25kg 15/15/15

Being in a caloric deficit is starting to have an effect on the weights now. Deadlifts felt sooo hard this morning so I kept it at 3x5. I'm going to try upping my protein to 1x1.2-3 bodyweight. I've kept it at 1xbw for the last two years so I'll try anything to make this cut easier :D
I'm struggling to fit in the gym 6 days per week and cardio on top of that. I'm going to switch to PHUL for a couple of months to see how it goes.

Upper Hypertrophy

Incline DB Press
17.5kg 8/8/8

Pec Dec
30kg 8/8/8

One Arm DB Row
15kg 12/12/12

Lat Pulldown
28kg 10/10/10

DB Lat Raises
7.5kg 8/8/8

Preacher Curls
16kg 12/12/12

Cable Tricep Extensions
20kg 8/8/8

Not enough volume, I'll do 4 sets next time.
Upper Strength

DB Bench Press
25kg 5/5/5/5

Incline DB Bench Press
17.5kg 8/8/8/8

55kg 5/5/5/5

35kg 5/5/5

Bw 4/3/3

Ez Bar Curls
21kg 8/8/8

Tricep Extension ss w/ facepulls below
26.25kg 8/8/8

18.75kg 10/10/10
Lower Strength

50kg 5/5/5/5

50kg 3
60kg 3
70kg 2
80kg 5/5/5

Leg Press
130kg 10/10/10

Snatch Grip RDLs
50kg 8/8/8

Seated Calf Raise
55kg 10/10/10/10

Cardio - 10 minute run

I forgot how hard it is to do squats and deadlifts on the same day :(
Upper Hypertrophy

Incline DB Press
20kg 8/8/8/8

Pec Dec
45kg 12/8/8

One Arm DB Row
17.5kg 8/8/8/8

Cable Row
46.25kg 10/10/10/10

DB Lat Raises
7.5kg 8/8
5kg 15/15 - the burn :D

EZ Bar Curls
16kg 15/15/15 - the pump :D

Cable Tricep Extensions
23.75kg 12/12/12/12

I've been slowly increasing the weight on the tricep extensions as I injured my right tricep in January and didn't feel comfortable when using higher weights. Now I feel I can start increasing the weight again as they feel awesome :D
Upper Strength

DB Bench Press
27.5kg 4/3/3/3

Incline DB Bench Press
17.5kg 9/9/9/9

57.5kg 5/5/5/5

37.5kg 3/3/3

Bw 4/3/3

Ez Bar Curls
21kg 10/10/10/10

Tricep Extension ss w/ facepulls below
26.25kg 9/9/9/9

18.75kg 10/10/10/10

I've pulled a muscle in my groin, ironically outside the gym. I'll rest for a week and see how it is by next weekend.
Damn, real shame on the injury. How are you now?

I'm good now thanks mate. It wasn't anything serious, a weeks rest and it's all good :D

I have however tweaked something in my lower back. I think it's due to my chair not giving me enough support in work - which I'll fix :D So I though it was best to do swap OHP for seated DB press and I didn't do BORs.

Upper Strength

DB Bench Press
27.5kg 4/4/4/3

Incline DB Bench Press
17.5kg 10/10/10/9

Seated DB Press
15kg 8/8/8

Bw 4/4/3

Ez Bar Curls
21kg 10/10/10/10

Tricep Extension ss w/ facepulls below
26.25kg 10/10/10/10

18.75kg 10/10/10/10
Upper Hypertrophy

Incline DB Press
20kg 9/9/7/6

Pec Dec
45kg 8/8/8

One Arm DB Row
17.5kg 8/8/8/8

Cable Row
45kg 8/8/8/8

DB Lat Raises
7.5kg 8/8/8

EZ Bar Curls
16kg 15/15/15

Cable Tricep Extensions
23.75kg 10/10/10

15 mins on the treadmill.

I've had a hectic week and neglected the gym, my diet and sleep so it wasn't surprising to have a crap workout. But the busiest time in work is over, my exam is done and it's time to hit legs tomorrow :D
Upper Strength

DB Bench Press
27.5kg 4/4/3/3

Incline DB Bench Press
17.5kg 10/10/8/7

57.5kg 5/5/5/5

30kg 3
35kg 5/5/5

Bw 4/4/3

Ez Bar Curls
23.5kg 8/8/8

Tricep Extension ss w/ facepulls below
26.25kg 8/8/8

18.75kg 10/10/10
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