**Baddass' Guide to the 19" TFT Market!**

Originally posted by Yaka
um you say the dell 2001fp has builtin power brick, its external m8

edited, thanks for that :) and Type_R, which 20" Apple TFT do u mean?

again thanks for all the positive comments
well its possible its the same panel as used in the Dell 2001 and the Viewsonic 201 as its 16ms response time and 400:1 contrast atio. cant fully confirm it, as the res is diff too being a widescreen at 1680 x 1050, but it looks very likely to be same panel technology
Arha it's done, I was wondering when this would show up ...excellent job Baddass, very informative. You must have covered just about everything worth buying in the 17-21.3" market now between your guides ...next step wide-screens and 30" monsters eh :p
Originally posted by Moeks
Arha it's done, I was wondering when this would show up ...excellent job Baddass, very informative. You must have covered just about everything worth buying in the 17-21.3" market now between your guides ...next step wide-screens and 30" monsters eh :p

the list of TFT covered in both guides is pretty crazy, might try and cover some others sometime, esp if they start to become more main stream. 19 inch and larger models are fairly common now which is good, as a couple of yrs ago no one would buy them really.......
Originally posted by backslang
hi baddass, have sorted some pics out but i cant get them off my cam:o
will do it on my other pc when its next on and stick them on the network.

thanks for the pics, added them on my site, and your comments about the Sharp TFT to this thread too :)
The problem with the Apple displays are that they don't make them 100% PC compatible. Although they should work, many people are having trouble getting POST screens and even any picture at all from them, depending on their PC graphics card. With a Mac they are fine. Other prob is that they cost a lot more and you have to pay more on top to get the warranty extended to 3 years, by default you only get a 1 year warranty with them. Not a nice thought if you've just spent £1k upwards. Could be a potato in 13months time!
Well done on the post 'Baddass' good to see your maintaining your previous work and Im sure it is always usefull to many visitors & members. Posts like these and your continued helpfull attitude are always welcomed, give yourself a pat mate.

Fast Moving Technology
The technology is currently moving at such a fast pace and prices dropping at an alarming rate (Example: I paid £550 for a monitor that is now £120 less within 6 months)
It seems some manufacturers can update their ranges twice a year with new models but pre Christmas potential buyers should be safe knowing very few manufacturers if any will be introducing any further models this late in the year.

Old & New
Regarding the units you have covered from peoples previous analysis these range from being recent like a few months old but I emphasise mostly models like the 191T and also both 20"+ models/panels are using technology that is well over a year old and could soon be replaced next year with improved technology combined with more competitive pricing.

Whats Next
Personally I think it should be noted for potential buyers to look into their purchases more closely or consider waiting newer lines next year. It also seems that widescreen will perhaps soon be the way things are going. Next year might see more models in this format but lets hope more games companies catch up with more games that support widescreen resolutions which is a current problem.

No doubts though as most of us here are helpfull with queries any current potential buyers only need ask about their chosen possibilities.

Place Your Bets?
Im betting 2005 is going to be a very big year for LCD, espically for combined Television DVI/HDMI compliant monitor combos.
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Originally posted by Mr Latte
The technology is currently moving at such a fast pace and prices dropping at an alarming rate (Example: I paid £550 for a monitor that is now £120 less within 6 months)

Im betting 2005 is going to be a very big year for LCD, espically for combined Television DVI/HDMI compliant monitor combos.

So True I got my dell 2001fp for £800 and have seen em got for around £400 mark, also about the DVI/HDMI tv screens was in richer sounds last week and the people working there were saying they should have some great deals coming up due most of the screens not having it dropping in price big time after xmas.
it wasnt really a thread aimed at covering the most recent and best models, more a guide to the most popular ones available at the moment. If new ones become increasingly popular i will add them to my site (and this thread if its still around :))...........its more a way for ppl to see whats popular and have a good round up of what ppl on here have and what ppl on here think of their TFT's

thanks for the kind comments Mr Latte.........
Spie should have all the models they stock shipped to your address for a good thorough report / roundup. Then see to giving you a good big one, (by that Im referring to a TFT) and for free for all your effort youve been putting in.

Guarntee it would get a **** load of interest and personally I think people are sometimes swayed more with forum reviews and opnions moreso than some website reviews.
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Originally posted by Mr Latte
Spie should have all the models they stock shipped to your address for a good thorough report / roundup. Then see to giving you a good big one, (by that Im referring to a TFT) and for free for all your effort youve been putting in.

Guarntee it would get a **** load of interest and personally I think people are sometimes swayed more with forum reviews and opnions moreso than some website reviews.

sounds good to me, Spie are you listening ;) :D

and it is def very important to have real user opiniosn from ppl you are familiar with from the forum, these are realistic views on TFTs and thats what counts when it comes to buying a TFT. I'm sure user comments and opinions can help ppl decide what to buy, esp when there is such a wide and varied range to choose from
I am waiting for a 'decent' 19" TFT was wondering if anyone knows of any new models that will be coming out in the next few months?

I think the Samsung 19" range seems very outdated, anyone know if they will update the Samsung 193p? if it was a 12/16ms panel in there I would buy it straight away!

If not it will probably have to be the Viewsonic VX910 or VX912
I have been looking at Samsung, Sony and Viewsonic TFTs and not seen anything brilliant.
Essential are a 19" screen/DVI/16ms repsonse/looks goods!
Will mainly be used for Internet/work, digital imaging and some gaming.
I need something within about 3 months

Great work on the guide though Baddass, hopefully it will remain up to date
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