Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

It's what you think it teaches. By definition, if you follow the teachings of Christ, then you are a Christian.
Just lol chap, if i read the koran or about muhamaad or talk to a muslim does that make me a muslim?, lol Castiel, if i read up on homosexuals/gay people or work alongside with them or eat a meal at the same table does that make me a gay/homosexual?, just lol.
Just lol chap, if i read the koran or about muhamaad or talk to a muslim does that make me a muslim?, lol Castiel, if i read up on homosexuals/gay people or work alongside with them or eat a meal at the same table does that make me a gay/homosexual?, just lol.

If you read the Bible it doesn't make you a Christian, if you follow the teachings of Christ, believe Christ is the path to salvation and accept the Bible as the word (either literal or inspired) of God then, by definition, you are a Christian.
They will not agree with my assessment on the Pauline Epistles and how they relate to the morality of homosexuality. It has nothing to do with the act or how Catholics feel about it.

And I wasn't saying Kedge and Catholics were the same, only that each will disagree with me due to there respective doctrines.

In what way do they differ out of curiosity, as I was brought up with more or less the same beliefs (Catholic).

Social Services is never preferable. If a loving homosexual couple had wanted, or be able, to adopt me as a child then I would have been saved a whole world of pain and trouble.

But are there enough straight couples able to fill the role?

It's the only point which has ever stuck in my throat is the idea of homosexuals with children. Not because I necessarily believe they are going to whole scale abuse them, but simply because I genuienly believe it doesn't really fit into a healthy lifestyle.

By being Homosexual, you are placing yourself in a relationship where you cannot naturally have children. If the love that you experience is real,that homosexuality is natural, then surely there should be an element of embracing what this naturally brings?

I'm sure I'll get shouted down for re-inforcing gender concepts (for the record, I come from a very matriarchal family, and have no problem whatsover with any equality for women), but I genuinely believe that a child growing up needs a man and a woman in his life.

But hey, I'm sure my differences will have me labelled as a bigot.
Because they want to follow that stance. It's part of their dogma. They don't have to. Not difficult dude!

Which word of the two did you not understand? Maybe a dictionary or something or asking someone who has a grasp of basic English?

You would think a Bible literalist would follow all the values within it. If not they could at least pick the ones that are helpful!

And I fail to see how kedge is more consistent than anyone else, unless you just mean plain repetitive.

He did say they would love each other. He didn't say they shouldn't be with whom they truly love. You're confused because he wrote one thing and you read something completely different.

I'm very tired but did he not say "they should be with someone of the opposite sex even though they may not find them as attractive"? (paraphrased)

You are blind. Homosexual/Gay people have basic human rights under most normal circumstances like most other people do. they get married, they adopt children, they are successful in business, their are many celebrities that are homosexual/Gay so your point is moot, this cake business is just another childish demand that everyone should conform to the gay/homosexual worldview or behaviour or conduct, like spoilt little kids who stamp their feet demanding this and that.

I think you are the blind one. It is outdated morals that mean that in many countries and states, it is illegal to have any sort of homosexual relationship, let alone be married. In some it is punishable by death.
Just lol chap, if i read the koran or about muhamaad or talk to a muslim does that make me a muslim?, lol Castiel, if i read up on homosexuals/gay people or work alongside with them or eat a meal at the same table does that make me a gay/homosexual?, just lol.

He said if you follow the teachings of Christ which is very different than just reading about him.

Having children is one of the best things people do in their lives. By marrying someone of the same sex you can only adopt which isn't ideal. It's better to be in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex because you can still love them even if you do not find them as good looking and you can have kids.

This is 100% brilliant :D
In what way do they differ out of curiosity, as I was brought up with more or less the same beliefs (Catholic).

But are there enough straight couples able to fill the role?

It's the only point which has ever stuck in my throat is the idea of homosexuals with children. Not because I necessarily believe they are going to whole scale abuse them, but simply because I genuienly believe it doesn't really fit into a healthy lifestyle.

By being Homosexual, you are placing yourself in a relationship where you cannot naturally have children. If the love that you experience is real,that homosexuality is natural, then surely there should be an element of embracing what this naturally brings?

I'm sure I'll get shouted down for re-inforcing gender concepts (for the record, I come from a very matriarchal family, and have no problem whatsover with any equality for women), but I genuinely believe that a child growing up needs a man and a woman in his life.

But hey, I'm sure my differences will have me labelled as a bigot.

agreed. children need a father and a mother
agreed. children need a father and a mother

The evidence shows otherwise. Children adopted by gay parents fare just as well as those adopted by heterosexual parents with one study showing that they can also fare better. It seems that what matters most is a stable loving home environment rather than the gender and sexuality of the parents.
The evidence shows otherwise. Children adopted by gay parents fare just as well as those adopted by heterosexual parents with one study showing that they can also fare better. It seems that what matters most is a stable loving home environment rather than the gender and sexuality of the parents.

He didn't say "fare just as well". He said "need".

While neither are true, it's preferable above all else that it be a mother and a father raising their child, when it comes to adoption I can see how it might be viewed as positive if they're adopted by anyone who can pass the requirements set. Most children are brainwashed into believing nonsense anyway, not that much different if they're given unusual sexual mores (if that even happened).
If you read the Bible it doesn't make you a Christian, if you follow the teachings of Christ, believe Christ is the path to salvation and accept the Bible as the word (either literal or inspired) of God then, by definition, you are a Christian.
I may have some Christian qualities perhaps?, but i don't see myself as a true Christian. I know me better than you castiel and God knows us better than we know ourselves, my actions, behaviour and conduct does not mirror that of the Christ so therefore i am not a true Christian. I am a defender of the Abrahamic God and a defender of the Christ wherever i can be and sometimes to expose the corruption in this world. If you are happy calling me a Christian then let YOUR blindness guide YOU.

When God created a helper for man He created a woman not another man.

Homophobia and transphobia day, never heard of it until this silly news report, whatever next?.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

The Corinthians are warned against many great evils, bad things.

1 Corinthians 6:11

And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

The Gay clergy have a tough time ahead of them but there is hope and salvation for all of us, yeah including me (none gay).
I may have some Christian qualities perhaps?, but i don't see myself as a true Christian. I know me better than you.

Regardless how you see yourself, by definition, if you believe Christ is the path to salvation, you are a Christian....the fact that you go on to justify yourself using an interpretation of Christian Scripture only shows that you are therefore a Christian. That you deny being a Christian implies that you deny cannot have it both ways.

You have never been forthcoming or honest about your beliefs or associations, to me that simply implies that you know that such beliefs and associations would open you up to denying your association, you are denying yourself, and that self-denial is frankly why I pity you...You don't have the integrity to stand up and accept who you are or what you follow, instead obfuscate and hide behind denial and the irrelevant quotation of scripture. You hope for salvation?...well first you had better stop denying the very precept of that salvation...don't you think?
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He didn't say "fare just as well". He said "need".

While neither are true, it's preferable above all else that it be a mother and a father raising their child, when it comes to adoption I can see how it might be viewed as positive if they're adopted by anyone who can pass the requirements set. Most children are brainwashed into believing nonsense anyway, not that much different if they're given unusual sexual mores (if that even happened).

Its preferable above all else that the person(s) tasked with raising a child are both loving and capable...what sex or sexuality they are is completely irrelevant.
Its preferable above all else that the person(s) tasked with raising a child are both loving and capable...what sex or sexuality they are is completely irrelevant.

I like this statement.

Unfortunately the few people I know raised by same sex couples are all freakin nut jobs.
One thought that pervades through all of this (not really bothering to read much of the thread...):
A) Why are people so eager to get on a high horse/legal trip over something that, ultimately, is trivial and causes no real hardship to the 'victims'?
Yeah, attempt to trash someone's entire livelihood because they annoyed you a bit. Nice one.
B) Couldn't they just find a different cake shop?

EDIT I realise this is, in fact, two thoughts.
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