Ballistix 2-Gig PC4000 / Any POSITIVE comments?

16 May 2005
Ballistix 2-Gig PC4000 sets are currently going through a very bad patch with totaly negative threads etc! They appear to have been going bad for some time now and I was wondering if anybody can ballance this up a bit! ;)

Come on, somebody must have a set which have been performing well for more than a couple of months? :(

Please post and give me hope that mine will continue to do the business and not die a slow death!!!!!! :eek:
My Ballistix 2-Gig PC4000 have been working fine for nearly 6 months now, they have been running at 280 on 2.7V with no problems at all, fingers crossed but to be honest reading the other thread it doesn't look to good !!!
memtest is no result on mine, but I am not able to overclock after 3 months of having them and I have some issues when restarting with failed boots. Could be something else of course.. Otherwise they run fine and I havn't any gripes with any games I play, COD2/BF2.
Bought mine in November - replaced with OCZ after failing a couple weeks ago.

Hope yours are a good set.
Chris19 said:
not yet am going to put it up soon waiting untill i get something to cool them

I've found a 120 (Akasa Amber but it don't realy matter) wedged so it blows directly onto the sticks (from above if you see what I mean) keeps them lovely and cool :cool:

However, I have tried tight timings with a little success. I managed 250 with 2.5,2,2,6 1T and it was ok but not quite as stable as 3,3,3,6 1T and didn't make any difference in 3D06! :( Dissapointed!

Anyhow I am totaly stable with 250 @ 3,3,3,6 1T so I keep it there for normal use.
stvmor said:
Wooh! I have heard of some good speeds but that's outstanding Dirk. What timings and volts you using? :eek:

Head over to xtremesystems to see what this RAM is really capable of!
I'm getting 300 using 2.7 @ 3,4,4,8. This isn't even close to the max though. When i put 2.9v through them i was 305 @ 3,3,3,7 easily and then lost my bottle to go furthur. (I've bought and tried several 2GB kits and these are far and away the best. I didn't want to fry the ic's as the other kits are nowhere near these and i don't want to kill them!) That said i'm on a rebuild tomorrow and i'm tempted to put 3.2v through them and go for 310MHz for a one run benchmark. Bear in mind i'm drunk right now and that kinda crazy thinking is normal for my current state of mind! :D

Obviously the reliability issues are a concern and now that it seems that Crucial have run out of 2GB kits for RMA replacements it's even more worrying that i may fry these! Still, i have other kits to fall back on like the Corsair 3500ll 2 GB kit. With the Infineon chips these have still gotten me the lowest Everest Latency benchmark score of 38.6 of any kit i've tried (@ 243 2.5,3,2,5) Nowhere near the Sandra memory benches i've got using the Crucial though!

Maybe if i get drunk again tomorrow during my rebuild i'll go for it! (Going from an Alienware case with 1x120mm + 1x80mm fan mounts to a CM Stacker with 5x120mm + 2x 80mm fan mounts). :D :D

Look here for more info. Notice that Crucial Ballistix pwn the table!
Thanks for the imfo' Dirk. I've run these at 2.9v and 3.0v briefly without a lot of improvement. I think you have to be lucky and find the fastest sets but I'm going to pop over and have a look at your links. Mebe I can get a bit more but, like yourself, I don't want to blow the ones I've got :eek:
It's always a bit of a lottery with RAM/Mobo/BIOS combinations. The important thing to remember, and oft overlooked, is that it really doesn't matter other than for pwnage benchmarks. In the real world one 2GB kit is much the same as any other. RAM largely follows the same rules. i.e slower RAM = tighter timings and faster RAM = looser timings.

Many people will go on about how games benefit from tighter timings on an AMD set-up and how memory bandwith doesn't matter as such with an onboard memory controller, blah, blah, blah! The difference between my worst clocking 2GB kit compared with my Ballistix, in the real world, is about 0.5 fps in game! (Regardless of mem speed/timings etc) As long as you are getting the best out of your kit without hardware hindrances you are good to go with almost any kit you buy.

There is, in my opinion, too much emphasis placed on the performance of different RAM. With various dividers to use etc, cpu clock speed is still king and with most games being gpu limited it doesn't matter what cpu/ram combo you use, (within reason). Many people here have achieved great 'real world' results with 'value' ram and great cpu o/clocks.

Now me, i am stupid enough to waste hundreds of pounds just to get a slight edge in benchmarks but i like to think that the average joe has more sense than to waste money doing such a thing!
stvmor said:
Did you light the candle from your Ballistix Slap :D :D :D

(Sorry, a bit slow spotting that one) :o


My one are now R'ng.I.P stvmor...=)

Going to RMA them and hope to get it replaced with an X1900XT-X to make up for my personal loss.

If only...
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