Ballistix 2-Gig PC4000 / Any POSITIVE comments?

Dirk you make a lot of sense with what you say m8...The logic of it cuts deep…Makes one feel dirty, disturbed and twisted like some sort of perv doing the things we do...

I'll PM you the details of my online benchmark councillor m8...Hope it helps ;)
Hades said:
No problems with mine so far (about 4 months old).

4 months is a charm. Seems like the large percentage of these kits fail on or around the 3 month mark. Anandtech said that you were largely safe if you kept the vdimm below 2.85v. Whether there is any truth to that is debatable but i suspect that the more you keep this RAM close to stock speed and timings the more likely it is to survive. (I'm hopelessly doomed in that case)!

It's probably more likely a bit of a lottery tbh. I'd love to know the percentage of surviving kits vs faulty kits though. Then we'd have more idea of our chances!
Slap said:
Dirk you make a lot of sense with what you say m8...The logic of it cuts deep…Makes one feel dirty, disturbed and twisted like some sort of perv doing the things we do...

I'll PM you the details of my online benchmark councillor m8...Hope it helps ;)

Therapy is always an option :D (I'll be leaving my raincoat at home for my sessions though)!

Overclocking and gaining that extra MHz of speed is completely addictive and let nobody tell you otherwise. We're all suckers for the well presented advertising and promises of 'uber performance' that every manufacturer likes to throw our way. Of course theres only one way to tell if there is any truth to the tech claims that these people make and that's to try for ourselves.

And so the wheel goes round :D

AFWIW, I gave up on raincoats a long time ago


Dirk said:
It's probably more likely a bit of a lottery tbh. I'd love to know the percentage of surviving kits vs faulty kits though. Then we'd have more idea of our chances!

Sort of hoping to get some idea by starting this thread. I havn't seen anybody getting more that a 'few' months out of a set (is 4 months really the longest?) and although things move on quickly in hardware, I do like to keep my bits going for at least 18 months.

p.s. I just noticed how that fits in perfect with the pic in post above doesn't it :o
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