hm Ballistix
Hi guys, on another tread I was asking about crashes problems and it seems this could be memory thing. I have Crucial 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit. When I had bought them in December `05 together with all components, I ran memtest-86. It was 24 hours test 1 error in 41 pass. So I thought no problem just one error after 24 hours. And recently my PC started to crash. 8 months after I bought my rig.
So first thing reinstall windows, no help, dusted, no help, decided to run component test.
So I’ve started with memories. Memtest failed after 12 hours, 5 errors on 20 passes.
Failing address as same as in first case Dec `05, same memory amount but different test (7 in December 4 now).
Ok than let’s do another one, after 1 hour 1 pass 2 errors.
Memory timing is set auto. Didn’t do any overclocking.
I am wandering now if memtext shows errors does it mean there is actually a problem with memories or there might occur a few errors after a long time of testing? So simply - at least on error bad memory, non errors everything all right? (I just read somewhere that to have few errors is ok ..)
And now after I read all about this horros with Ballistix (and I bought them as a superb reliable expensive ... uff), would be a mem86 test failure proof enough to approach Crucial/OcUK?
Thank you
:just added link with mem test pics
mem test pic.
1)in dec `05, 8 hours
2)in dec `05, 24 hours 1 error
3) "
4) 2-3 August `06, 18 hours overall, 5 errors after 12 hours
5)3 August `06, 1 hour, 2 errors