Ballistix failed again!

16 May 2005
I'm on my second set of 2Gig Bolloxistix and one has just failed totally. The machine BSOD'd, I checked the memory for temps and barely warm (120mm fan blowing on the memory). On restarting, the PC was just Beeping so I got worried that the CPU had failed or summat but found one stick has totaly failed and the other is still working? I've never had a stick die completely before but have been running this mem on 2T for a few months to prevent BSOD's! I just didn't expect it to die so completely.

Oh well! here goes another RMA to Crucial. What fun :mad:
email/phone them... tell them you've had enough and you want to buy some corsair instead.... worked for me
how dumb could anyone be to buy ballistix 2gig kits? its been common knowledge now for over a year that the ballistix sticks are suicide masters!
stvmor said:
I'm on my second set of 2Gig Bolloxistix and one has just failed totally. The machine BSOD'd, I checked the memory for temps and barely warm (120mm fan blowing on the memory). On restarting, the PC was just Beeping so I got worried that the CPU had failed or summat but found one stick has totaly failed and the other is still working? I've never had a stick die completely before but have been running this mem on 2T for a few months to prevent BSOD's! I just didn't expect it to die so completely.

Oh well! here goes another RMA to Crucial. What fun :mad:

demand a full refund, dont waste your time with another set.
I stupidly bought a second hand set off ebay recently and funnily enough they're borked! Emailed the seller but no reply yet :mad:. As i haven't got a receipt of purchase i guess i've no chance of getting them replaced by Crucial have i? :(

Its a lifetime warranty so you can get them replaced without any receipt/trouble however you can only get a refund from crucial if you bought them from them so who knows?
One of my 1gb sticks of crucial has went after about 6 months of use. i bough them because the Ballistix have received a lot of good reviews but thats from makor sites. After looking on the forums people who have been able to test them over a period of time are seeing that bad side of this RAM. I can say though that the stuff is amazing for power, but just "un-stable" if thats the word i am looking for
Well i rung Crucial. Been sent a troubleshooting guide, which i'll try out. Said if no joy they'll send me an RMA number. Least i'll get them replaced, which is a lot better than being stuck with the borked sticks i've got :)
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Crucial have excellent Customer Support!

:) Well, I rang yesterday and posted mem off. The guy was, as always for Crucial, helpful and accomodating. I told him I only want to run at 250 with 1T and he said I should have got 1T and possibly up to 280 with a 3700 SD CPU (this set stopped doing 1T some time ago). He also said that Ballistix are now ok as the "die" problem has been addressed so here's hoping for better stuff.
Incidentally, I've had no problem with Crucial RMAing memory twice now despite the fact that I purchased from OCUK and they are supposedly going to refund my postage cost this time? :eek:
Also, I have purchased a total of over a dozen sticks of Crucial memory over the years and NONE has ever let me down before Ballistix, so lets keep a ballance view and hope they can sort this stuff out! ;)
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I rang Crucial today - one of my 512MB sticks of PC4000 Ballistix has gone phut.

RMA details just arrived by email, so it's back to East Kilbride with these, hopefully see a new, shiny set in the not too distant future......
Crucial customer service

;) Crucial must have the best cusomer service in existance.

Monday: I rang for an RMA number then posted off faulty sticks with a note detailing postage costs.

Tuesday: I ring in response to an email asking for credit card details for postage refund and am told my sticks have arrived and, as I am away at end of week, the new parts will be despatched immediately.

Wednesday: Today :eek: Woken by Postie with my new Ballistix @ 10:00 a.m. Installed, tested and working fine at the desired 250 @ 3, 3, 3, 6, 1T :cool:

Awsome service, as always, from Crucial! And I bought this mem from OCUK? So top marks, I just hope they have cured the problems with Ballistix :rolleyes:
Well my 2 x 1GB PC4000 Ballistix will be 1 year old this september :eek: and still running fine with 1T timings @ 2.8v i thought they would have died by now.
Amidar said:
Well my 2 x 1GB PC4000 Ballistix will be 1 year old this september :eek: and still running fine with 1T timings @ 2.8v i thought they would have died by now.

Why did you post in here ... you realise you have just jinxed your RAM :) ;)
I'me just jealous Amidar!

Amidar said:
Well my 2 x 1GB PC4000 Ballistix will be 1 year old this september :eek: and still running fine with 1T timings @ 2.8v i thought they would have died by now.

What are the rest of the settings for your mem, CPU etc?
stvmor said:

What are the rest of the settings for your mem, CPU etc?

I have an AMD FX-55 so to clock i use the unlocked multiplier & don't need to clock the memory.Although i now have a 4800 X2 which when i get round to it will be clocked with the help of my Vapochill LS which i have had sitting round since i bought it 4 months ago.As for the ram settings i got these from the DFI Street forums they where for running at but i tightened them to but left all the other settings to what DFI Street recomended.

Why did you post in here ... you realise you have just jinxed your RAM

The ram should be safe from been jinxed as i touched wood when i first posted. :D
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hm Ballistix

Hi guys, on another tread I was asking about crashes problems and it seems this could be memory thing. I have Crucial 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit. When I had bought them in December `05 together with all components, I ran memtest-86. It was 24 hours test 1 error in 41 pass. So I thought no problem just one error after 24 hours. And recently my PC started to crash. 8 months after I bought my rig.
So first thing reinstall windows, no help, dusted, no help, decided to run component test.
So I’ve started with memories. Memtest failed after 12 hours, 5 errors on 20 passes.
Failing address as same as in first case Dec `05, same memory amount but different test (7 in December 4 now).
Ok than let’s do another one, after 1 hour 1 pass 2 errors.
Memory timing is set auto. Didn’t do any overclocking.
I am wandering now if memtext shows errors does it mean there is actually a problem with memories or there might occur a few errors after a long time of testing? So simply - at least on error bad memory, non errors everything all right? (I just read somewhere that to have few errors is ok ..)
And now after I read all about this horros with Ballistix (and I bought them as a superb reliable expensive ... uff), would be a mem86 test failure proof enough to approach Crucial/OcUK?
Thank you

:just added link with mem test pics
mem test pic.
1)in dec `05, 8 hours
2)in dec `05, 24 hours 1 error
3) "
4) 2-3 August `06, 18 hours overall, 5 errors after 12 hours
5)3 August `06, 1 hour, 2 errors
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