Ballistix's die again....

chopchop said:
oh dear looks like loads of other people have been hving problems :(
OCUK need to start refunding our money, instead of making us rma and get more crap sticks in return.

will crucial refund you so you can buy another (better!!!) brand ? since i dont want 3200 cas3 or more crappy ballistix
all my ram was brought direct.

they refused to RMA my PC3200s the 3rd time... But my latest set of PC4000 seems ok.... touch wood. Running it at 2.65volts and its still VERY warm to touch.....thats WITH active cooling. I miss not being able to close my case :(
Ol!ver said:
I cant decide if mine's starting to get iffy or if I changed something last week anc have forgotton ! Thought mine ran tighter timings than it now needs.
How old are they Ol!ver? What ones you got? It seems totaly limited to the higher end, higher density chips, like single sided 512mb chips, or the 1gig double sided ones.... double sided 512mb (lower density) seems fine..... on the most part
my ballistix's have always made a "buzzing" or "sizzling" noise when under load..... (loading games etc) which is strange
Robzere31 said:
Do you happen to have the batch numbers for the sticks that have died??

I RMA'ed a 1GB stick around 3 months ago, now the second stick from the 2*1GB kit seems to have gone bad.
My suspect stick is from batch CL1115J.TQ
all my latest chips to die was CL1115x.xx but then i think all the latest are CL1115 so its hard to tell....

im not sure what my first set was, but they lasted about 9months... unlike my other ones which seemed to last only 2-3months
Ol!ver said:
Run memtest?

They're supposed to run at 2.8v btw.
if you run them at 2.8volts, they will die within a few months. Ive slowly tested mine lower and lower and they are running fine 2.65volts at 3-4-4-8 1t @ 255mhz.
Robzere31 said:
Then why do Crucial specify 2.8v at default speeds & timings??
Even when I e-mailed them about the problems I've been having, they said 2.8V is the default voltage for them.
yes i know.... but im only telling you my findings. 2.8 is the max they cover under warrenty, and is for overclocking.

However they *should* be ok for 2.65-2.7 when run at default
im now back down to 200mhz 3-4-4-8 ram speed on my 250mhz 3-4-4-8 ballistix and only using 2.65volts....

the memory, even being actively cooled has slowly over the last few months got HOTTER and HOTTER, and it makes a buzzing/hissing noise when im playing games.... thats right, you can HEAR it making noises.

This surely has to be related to the failures. At any rate, i expect my 4th set to die before march, as the noises always was the last in the chain of events before failure of the last 3 sets.... I cant beleive this :mad:
sure enough, the ram is now starting to fail at default timings. :rolleyes: :mad:

so 3x PC3200 pairs dead
and 2x PC4000 pairs dead

what a waste of time and money
as noted in the other thread, Crucial have now removed all high end 2gig kits and all 1gig modules

hmmm strange?
well... my memory has once again failed. time for a total refund and some corsiar i
ukdave said:
damn that sucks dood :/ hope mine doesn't do the same when i get it back...
overall ive only brought 4 chips (2x 512 pc3200 and 2x1gig pc4000)

however ive had 10 seperate chips now...

im going to ask for a refund on the PC4000, and also ask for a refund (again) on the PC3200, since they refused last time.

any idea how i can get them to refund the PC3200? after all its a life time warrenty yet they refused that they couldnt RMA/refund after 3times. Its not my ******* fault that they fail so much is it?
Big.Wayne said:
Do we really need another thread on this?
this thread was started first, the 2nd thread was started afterwards.... and nothing was done about it. surely it would be best if it was all in one post, but its too late to merge threads now as it wouldnt make any sence reading the thread

and Ol!ver, its been going for 4 months because its a CONSTANT issue with Ballistixs and people need to know about it. The fact that crucial have finaly taken the hint and stopped selling 1gig chips just proves this isnt a case of "user error"
Ol!ver said:
Don't get your knickers in a twist, I was pointing it out to the guy whinging about another ballistix thread !

It's not just 1gb sticks either don't forget.
didnt get my knickers in a twist, cos that would be quiet painful!

yeah i know its not just 1gig cos ive had 6 512mb
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