Band of Brothers Rewatch

Yeah, you're not wrong. It's decent and I enjoyed the story but BoB I feel I can watch a fair few more times before I feel exhausted with it. I've only watched The Pacific twice but that was only because my partner never saw it. Didn't really need to watch it again.
Absolutely watch BoB. I have BoB, The Wire and Sopranos as joint #1 and the distance to #2 is quite some margin.

The Pacific is worth a watch if you're in the mood for 'more' but it's an obvious step back from BoB. It's good, it's just no BoB and after watching both you'd understand.

Do yourself a favour and watch it. I'm not even into war stuff really (wimpy little pacifist) but it's such a good viewing experience and makes you think. Honestly, the penultimate episode is so harrowing yet so poignant (is that the word? i dunno). First time I watched it I just remember not being able to look away from the screen yet wanting to look away.

I may have to watch it again even though I only watched it again last year
I was stuck in a hotel for 4 days a few months back (some political conflict going on in the city i was in so was told to not leave the room haha) and I powered through that and 'The Pacific' back-to-back, I'd watched them previously, both still excellent series...... If you've not seen 'Generation Kill' then I'd highly recommend that as well.
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